Page 45 - October 2020 proof - The Castle Pines Connection
P. 45

School Scoop
College free application day
Information provided by the Colorado Department of Higher Education
To inspire more Coloradans to continue their education, all 32 public colleges and universities in Colorado, as well as several private institutions, will allow students to apply for free on October 13 as part of the third Colorado Free Application Day.
Colorado Free Application Day caps off Colorado Applies Month, a  ve-week campaign that guides 11th and 12th grade students and adult job seekers along the application process. Admissions application information for each institution is available at colorado-free-application-day-is-october-13-2020 and fees will be waived for applications submitted on October 13.
The high school graduating class of 2021 will also have the option to include or not include their SAT or ACT scores with their college applications. Colorado colleges have implemented a “test-optional” policy. In the spring, SAT and ACT exams were canceled across the country due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Legislation was passed that temporarily allows Colorado higher education institutions
to determine whether to require national assessment test scores for admission for  rst-time freshman students who will graduate high school in 2021. Applicants who choose not to submit a test score for admission will not be negatively impacted as institutions will be able to make informed decisions without exams.
The statewide push is designed to increase Colorado’s stagnant college-going and FAFSA completion rates. Despite being one of the most educated states in the country, Colorado sends just 56 percent of high school graduates to a college, university or certi cate program, and just 50 percent of students submit a FAFSA application – a key indicator of students’ likelihood to continue their education.
By removing barriers for students to achieve a credential, Colorado can increase the number of students who complete their programs and enter the workforce with a degree or competitive skills. Nearly 75% of Colorado jobs require a postsecondary credential.
Love is the most potent
Information and photo provided by DCS Montessori
At DCS Montessori (DCSM) peace education is a major component of the Montessori classroom, teaching children compassion, acceptance, kindness and understanding. Dr. Maria Montessori’s words are  tting in a world of many changes for our young. “An education capable of saving humanity is no small undertaking; it involves the spiritual development of man, the enhancement of his value as an individual, and the preparation of young people to understand the times in which they live.”
Although their environment may have changed around them, one thing that has not changed for Emerson Mitzelfelt and Aisling Ellis (pictured right) is their compassion and kindness for one another. This photo was captured in honor of Dr. Maria Montessori’s 150th Birthday Celebration (August 31st) with her quote “Of all things, love is the most potent.”
Cerney Circle Class of 2021: Then and Now
By Carin R. Kirkegaard; photos courtesy of Julie Lamb
From their  rst day of kindergarten to their last  rst day of high school, this group of Castle Pines seniors have grown up together in the neighborhood pools, parks and streets. Now, with only one year to go, the group is adding the  nishing touches before they embark on their next journey.
September 2020
“Of all things, love is the most potent.” – Maria Montessori

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