Page 23 - Fundamental_Baptists_and_Quick_Prayerism 9
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believe the answer often lies in the carnality of the leadership. Pride (using inflated numbers to exalt themselves) and the exaltation of man (following men of reputation rather than God and His Word alone and allowing men to exalt themselves above that which is scriptural and decent) are the product of carnality.
The same carnality that has allowed Quick Prayerism to permeate many independent Baptist churches has born unspiritual fruit in other areas. There has been a Pharisaical emphasis on externals and busyness accompanied by a gross neglect of genuine holiness and godly discipleship. Multitudes--yea, multitudes--of independent Baptist preachers have been involved in moral scandals, often leaving their congregations in shambles. Countless church members have become embittered by these incidents and are steadfast enemies of biblical fundamentalism today because of the carnality and unscriptural nonsense they have observed in independent Baptist churches. (I am not excusing these people, because they should have had their eyes on the Lord rather than on men; I am merely pointing out a fact.) Many of the largest churches have collapsed and have closed their doors or are a mere shell of their former “glory.”
Men who are willing to employ unscriptural techniques of “soul winning,” who are willing to use human manipulation to produce questionable professions of faith, who are willing to turn the house of a holy God into a carnival, who report large numbers of converts even though the vast majority of them exhibit no evidence of salvation, who are self- promoters and braggarts or who condone self-promoters, are carnal men. “For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption...” (Gal. 6:8). It is no surprise that many of

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