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as long as he is not required to give anything up in this present life! In reality, though, what they are commonly doing when they “pray the prayer” through the Quick Prayerism program is merely adding Jesus to their other gods because they are not ready to repent of their idolatry and self-love.
Our vision and passion in missionary work is to see churches started that will be the pillar and ground of the truth in that dark part of the world (1 Timothy 3:15). You can’t build sound churches with Quick Prayerism. We want to see souls genuinely converted by God’s miracle-working power so we can disciple them in the ways of Christ. You can’t effectively disciple false converts. I have never understood the motivation to get people to pray empty prayers, unless it is to impress men.
We have worked with Asian university students in Oklahoma City, and at a gospel meeting I was talking with one of them. We had known him for a year and a half and had spent many hours with him and had carefully and patiently explained the gospel to him. He had attended several churches and had heard the gospel many times. He told me that day that he had come “to accept Jesus Christ as God and Savior.” At that point a Quick Prayerism soul winner would have gotten him to pray a “sinner’s prayer,” but such haste is folly when we are dealing with the eternal souls of men. I said, “That is great; what do you think about the Hindu gods now?” He replied: “They also are gods. There is one God but he has many manifestations and ways of worship. For me, I like the Christian way of worship.”
This is typical of the path many Hindus take when they become interested in Christianity. They accept Jesus Christ

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