Page 45 - Fundamental_Baptists_and_Quick_Prayerism 9
P. 45

This pamphlet has been distributed in large quantities and has had a major influence in fundamental Baptist churches. It was still in print and for sale on the Sword’s web site when I checked on August 21, 2011.
In his 1993 book Enemies of Soulwinning, Jack Hyles claimed that repentance as defined traditionally (as a change of mind in relation to God and sin that it results in a change of life) is one of the enemies of soul winning. He redefined repentance to mean a mere change from unbelief to belief.
These two men have had a vast influence on the thinking of fundamental Baptists in the matter of repentance. Most others who have changed the traditional biblical definition of repentance have done so upon the “authority” of these men.
How did Dr. Hyles and Dr. Hutson get to that point in their thinking? As we have seen, this is not what fundamental Baptists have traditionally taught about repentance. Their old friends John R. Rice and Lester Roloff certainly did not define repentance as merely a change from unbelief to belief. They defined it biblically as turning to God from sin.
John Rice said: “What do I mean by repent? I mean to turn your heart from your sin. Turn from sin in your heart and start out to live for God.”
Evangelist Lester Roloff said: “Repentance is a forsaking of sin. Real repentance is putting your trust in Jesus Christ so you will not live like that anymore.”
Obviously, John Rice and Lester Roloff did not think that by so defining repentance they were teaching some sort of works salvation. That idea is a straw man that was set up by those who want to change the historic definition of

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