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Opening of Court
Pledge of Allegiance
Welcome Presentations
Ken Jefferson, Crime and Safety Expert First Coast News
Gwandos Ward
Madison Greene Fenn Greene Leah Cox
The Honorable Lance M. Day
Christian George, Esquire
President, Jacksonville Bar Association
Beth Sammons, Esquire
President, Clay County Bar Association
Chanda Rogers, Esquire
Past President, Nassau County Bar Association
Kimberley Leonard, Esquire
President, D.W. Perkins Bar Association
Kathryn E. Stanfill, Esquire President-Elect, Jacksonville Women Lawyers Association
Michele Waddell, Esquire
Past President, Christian Legal Society
Tyler Gates, Esquire
President, Northeast Florida
Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Shannon Schott, Esquire
President, Jacksonville Justice Association
Heath Brockwell, Esquire
President, Jacksonville Beaches Bar Association
Maria Aguila, Esquire Catholic Lawyers Guild
Raymond P. Reid, Jr., Esquire
Past President, Jacksonville Chapter American Board of Trial Advocates
The Honorable Gary Wilkinson, Executive Board, Florida Conference of Circuit Judges
Investiture Ceremony The Honorable Lance M. Day Chief Judge, Presiding

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