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El obispo: ¿Creen en la santa Iglesia católica, en la comunión de los santos,
en el perdón de los pecados,
en la resurrección de los muertos Y en la vida eterna?
Los confirmandos: Si, creo.
El obispo: Esta es nuestra fe. Esta es la fe de la Iglesia, que nos gloriamos de profesar,
en Jesucristo, nuestro Señor. Todos: Amén.
(congregation sits, candidates remain standing)
The Laying on of Hands/Imposición de las Manos
Bishop Pohlmeier first addresses the whole congregation asking them to pray to the Holy Spirit for those to be confirmed, to strengthen them in their faith and to anoint them to be more like Christ. While all pray in silence, those to be confirmed should bow their heads in prayer. The Bishop extends his hands over the candidates and prays that God will pour out the gifts of the Holy Spirit to strengthen them.
The Anointing with Chrism/Unción con el Santo Crisma
Each candidate comes forward with their sponsor. The sponsor places their right hand on their candidate’s right shoulder and clearly and loudly announces the candidate’s name. Bishop Pohlmeier moistens his right thumb with chrism and makes the sign of the cross on the forehead of the candidate:
Bishop: Candidate:
(Name), be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit. (Nombre), recibe por esta señal el Don del Espíritu Santo.
Peace be with you/La paz esté contigo. And with your spirit/Y con tu Espíritu.

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