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 The master plan is not a singular map or pretty rendering. It is not prescriptive, requiring certain uses on privately-owned parcels. It is a closely aligned and carefully integrated set of plans — including specific guidance for public infrastructure, a regulatory framework for private development and incentives to encourage desired redevelopment, all based on eight distinct goals and measurable strategic objectives. These goals and objectives are combined into the Downtown Investment Authority’s Business Investment and Development (BID) Plan, which includes the BID Strategy — a tool establishing incentive programs and prioritizing investments based on an updated Downtown Jacksonville Market and Feasibility Study that analyzes economic performance by neighborhood. The Downtown master plan also includes the Community Redevelopment
Plan, which establishes the goals that will guide redevelopment activities using tax increment funds, identifies a host of public projects and establishes benchmarks and measurable strategic objectives. The project lists include priorities for catalyst initiatives on City-owned properties, initiatives currently listed in the City’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and key opportunities identified in many other plans (such as the GAI Park Assessment & Plan, Neighborhood Branding Strategy, Emerald Trail Master Plan and Downtown Design Guidebook) that are incorporated into the comprehensive Downtown master plan. Also included are more refined neighborhood-specific plans to reinvigorate communities within Downtown, such as the LaVilla Neighborhood Development Strategy and the Cathedral District Master Plan.
        Downtown Design Guidebook
Downtown & Neighborhood Branding
Brooklyn Neighborhood Road Diet Study
Park Assessment & Plan
Emerald Trail Master Plan
Plans commissioned by the DIA Plans commissioned by others
Activating Jacksonville’s Riverfront
Market Feasibility Study
  2019 Zoning Overlay Updates
     Riverfront Design Guidelines & Activity Nodes Plan
Cathedral District Master Plan
Downtown Public Parking Plan
LaVilla Neighborhood Development Strategy
Convention Center Feasibility Analysis

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