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 As innovations like rideshare technology, e-bikes/scooters and – eventually – autonomous vehicles and shuttles reduce the number
of single-occupant car trips, the DIA has adopted a parking and transit plan to adapt to the dynamic evolution of mobility.
Parking requirements for new construction have been eliminated and dis-incentivized. New surface lots are generally disallowed. Adjusted rates for City-owned garages and on-street parking balance supply and demand to ensure availability of on-street parking for short-term needs. The Park Mobile App was introduced to make parking easier and more convenient, and meters were converted to allow for credit card/Park Mobile payment in addition to coin operation. More innovations are forthcoming, such as payment kiosks. Ordinance Code updates will
be introduced to allow dynamic pricing, flex spaces by time of day and other innovations in public parking and roadway usage.
The Northbank CRA Park Once-Park Smart strategy strives to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips within Downtown and increase utilization of more remote (and lesser used) existing parking areas. Methods include establishing clear and logical transit and pedestrian linkages to parking facilities. Prioritizing pedestrian mobility is a key component of that strategy.
Downtown public transportation options include the First Coast Flyer Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), which connects riders from Downtown to Jacksonville’s Northside, Southside and Beaches, the free Skyway tram, the St. Johns River Taxi, tuk-tuks and e-scooters.
Meanwhile, the DIA and its partners support the Jacksonville Transportation Authority’s proposed Bay Street Innovation Corridor and Ultimate Urban Connector to expand mass transit. The project will further improve mobility (and support the DIA parking strategy) in tandem with DIA/City mobility initiatives such as two-way street restoration, road diets, the Emerald Trail project and the Hogan Street Cycle Track, etc.
And in LaVilla, the JTA’s Regional Transportation Center makes Downtown a major regional transportation hub, including a future passenger rail terminal.

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