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 Downtown Jacksonville is undergoing a transformation. New residents, new businesses and hundreds of millions of dollars of new investment are flowing into Downtown, bolstering the neighborhood’s status as
a vibrant place to live, a robust place to do business and an enjoyable place to visit.
None of this came about by accident. It wasn’t some random happenstance.
Rather, it was the result of a Downtown master plan created more than a decade ago and then refined and expanded over the years — with the most recent update occurring in June 2022.
This current version of the master plan is before you now. It’s a comprehensive playbook and rulebook for attracting diverse types of private development — residential, retail, dining, entertainment and more — while also enriching the cultural environment and modernizing the infrastructure to reinvigorate Downtown Jacksonville. It lays out
a set of goals for Downtown growth and establishes a detailed set of processes and guidelines for bringing them to fruition.
 Photo: Toni Smailagic/Cre8Jax

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