Page 18 - HOME TEST OB SONO 260
P. 18

SONO 260 2016 Prof. Ana Zayas Ed.D(s)
70) A 25-year-old gravid woman presents to the ultrasound department for a follow-up sonographic examination. In the prior report, you find that the fetus suffers from rhizomelia of the lower extremities. Rhizomelia relates to the:
a. Absenceofdistalsegmentofalimb
b. Shortening of the proximal segment of a limb
c. Nonexistenceoftheproximalsegmentofalimb d. Bowing of the long bones
71) Whichofthefollowingcouldpossiblybediagnosedattheendofthe first trimester?
a. Pulmonaryhypoplasia
b. Agenesisofthecorpuscallosum c. Anencephaly
d. Ventricular septal defect
72) Which of the following is the most accurate estimating of gestational age during the first trimester?
a. Meansacdiameter b. Yolk sac diameter c. Crownrumplength d. Biparietal diameter
73) Which of the following scan planes would be best for demonstrating a unilateral cleft lip?
a. Coronal
b. Oblique
c. Transverse d. Sagittal

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