Page 21 - HOME TEST OB SONO 260
P. 21

SONO 260 2016 Prof. Ana Zayas Ed.D(s)
81) A follow-up sonographic examination of a 27-week gestation is highly suspicious for intrauterine growth restriction. Which measurement is the best predictor of intrauterine growth restriction?
a. Headcircumference
b. Femur length
c. Abdominalcircumference d. Crown rump length
82) Which of the following would be considered a benign and a common finding within the male fetal scrotum?
a. Testicleenlargement b. Hydrocele
c. Testiculartorsion
d. Varicocele
Integration of data
83) Which of the following cranial abnormalities would be most likely associated with an elevation in maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein?
a. Holoprosencephaly
b. Arnold-ChiariIImalformation c. Dandy-Walkermalformation d. Lissencephaly
Integration of data
84) Whichofthefollowingmaternallaboratoryvalueswouldbeelevated in the presence of Trisomy 18?
a. AlllaboratoryfindingsaredecreasedwithTrisomy18 b. Human chorionic gonadotropin
c. Alpha-fetoprotein
d. Estriol
85) The term "thanatophoric" means:
a. Deathbearing b. Redundant
c. Hyperplastic

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