Page 6 - HOME TEST OB SONO 260
P. 6
SONO 260 2016 Prof. Ana Zayas Ed.D(s)
22) This coronal image is indicative of:
a. Hypertelorism b. Cyclopia
c. Gastroschisis d. Cleft lip
23) WhichofthefollowingbestsdescribestheappearanceofaGradeII placenta?
a. Moderateindentationsinthechorionicplatewith"comma- like" calcification in the placental substance
b. Uninterrupted chorionic plate and homogenous placental substance
c. Prominentindentationinthechorionicplatethatextendsto the basal layer with diffuse echogenic and anechoic areas noted within the placental substance
d. Subtle indentations on the chorionic plate, with some small calcifications within the placental substance
24) The measurement being obtained in this image is the:
a. Binoculardiameter b. Ocular diameter
c. Intraoculardiameter d. Interolcular diameter
25) Whichofthefollowingwouldbemostlikelyassociatedwiththe sonographic findings seen in this image?
a. PentalogyofCantrell b. Anophthalmia
c. Trisomy18
d. Trisomy 13