Page 9 - HOME TEST OB SONO 260
P. 9

SONO 260 2016 Prof. Ana Zayas Ed.D(s)
34) Uponultrasoundinterrogationofthegraviduterus,youdiscovera fetal cranium obviously filled with anechoic fluid. You suspect hydranencephaly verse severe hydrocephalus. Which of the following would not be sonographic features of hydranencephaly?
a. Absenceofthefalxcerebri
b. Presence of the basal ganglia
c. Presenceofathinrimofcerebralcortex d. Presence of the brainstem
35) Whichofthefollowingwouldbestdemonstrateatwo-vesselumbilical cord?
a. Obliquecolorflowimageoftheumbilicalcord
b. Transverse umbilical cord using pulsed Doppler
c. Longitudinalumbilicalcordattheleveloftheinsertionsite
into the placenta
d. Transverse umbilical cord
Anatomy and physiology
36) Thearrowinthisimageisindicatingthe:
a. Temporalhornofthelateralventricle b. Third ventricle
c. Frontalhornofthelateralventricle
d. Occipital horn of the lateral ventricle
37) The depth of the cisterna magna should not measure greater than:
a. 8mm b. 2mm c. 10mm d. 3mm

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