Page 11 - HOME TEST OB SONO 260
P. 11
SONO 260 2016 Prof. Ana Zayas Ed.D(s)
42) Thisdiagramisdemonstratingcommonfeaturesof:
a. Trisomy18 b. Trisomy 21 c. Trisomy13 d. Triploidy
43)These two images are used for what reason?
a. Todemonstratetranspositionofthegreatvessels
b. To demonstrate the
presence of a
diaphragmatic hernia
c. Todemonstratethe
presence of evenstration of
the diaphragm
d. To demonstrate correct
44) Patient preparation for a transabdominal pelvic sonogram includes:
a. Nopreparationneeded
b. Anemptybladder
c. Drinkingwaterbeforetheexamination
d. Laxatives the night before the examination
45) This diagram is demonstrating common features of:
a. Triploidy
b. Turner syndrome c. Trisomy18
d. Trisomy 21