Page 3 - HOME TEST OB SONO 260
P. 3
SONO 260 2016 Prof. Ana Zayas Ed.D(s)
Anatomy and physiology
8) A dumbbell-shaped structure located inferior and posterior to the cerebrum is the:
a. Fourthventricle b. Cisterna magna c. Thirdventricle d. Cerebellum
Anatomy and physiology
9) Each fetal vertebra consists of:
a. Oneneuralprocessandtwoarticularprocesses b. One centrum and two neural processes
c. Onecentrumandthreevertebralbodies
d. Two neural process and two central processes
10) This image of the fetal cranium reveals:
a. Strawberryshapedskull b. Lemon shaped skull
c. Osteogenesisimperfecta d. Cloverleaf shaped skull
11) The sonographic findings in this image are most consistent with the diagnosis of which of the following?
a. Arnold-ChiarriIImalformation b. Cystic hygroma
c. Choroidplexuscyst
d. Posterior encephalocele
Anatomy and physiology
12) Whichofthefollowingcouldnotresultfrommonzygotictwinning?
a. dichorionicdiamniotic
b. monochorionic diamniotic
c. monochorionicmonoamniotic d. dichorionic monoamniotic