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                  12 Top Stakes Prospects Selling at the July 23-24 TQHA Yearling Sale
  Hip #7 • 2/7/20 Sorrel Colt
Hip #50 • 1/25/20 Sorrel Colt
(Flyin Color-Silver N Shine, Boknaai)
Out of winner SILVER N SHINE SI 87. 2nd dam is Shake Em Shiney SI 90 ($59,233), half-sister to
the grandam of Bling Blink Bok SI 89 ($30,680), Shake Em Bok SI 98 ($24,799). 2nd dam is All Amer- ican F.-G1 finalist SHINEY DANCER SI 88 ($68,901), half-sister to DUST EM DUSTY SI 106 ($277,788), NO TELL HOTEL SI 101 ($35,804), Lori Darlin
SI 98 ($31,902, dam of NO MAGICAL TALENT SI 101, $95,933, DARLIN DASHER SI 102, $28,875).
Hip #54 • 3/24/20 Gray Filly
(Teller Cartel-Shake Em Shiney, Royal Shake Em) Out of Shake Em Shiney SI 90 ($59,233), half-sister to the grandam of Bling Blink Bok SI 89 ($30,680), Shake Em Bok SI 98 ($24,799). 2nd dam is All Ameri- can F.-G1 finalist SHINEY DANCER SI 88 ($68,901), half- sister to DUST EM DUSTY SI 106 ($277,788), NO TELL HOTEL SI 101 ($35,804), Lori Darlin SI 98 ($31,902, dam of NO MAGICAL TALENT SI 101, $95,933, DARLIN DASHER SI 102, $28,875).
Engagements: AQHA Challenge
Hip #127 • 2/26/20 Sorrel Filly
(Boknaai-Keep Me In Corona, Corona Cartel) Half-sister to 2 winners, including ILLEGAL CORONAS DOLL SI 96 ($15,500). Out of a half-sister to the dam
of Fast Flyin Fireball SI 96 ($54,467). 2nd dam is a 5-time winner & full sister to BIG ON CHARM SI 105 ($239,477, dam of Beg Stel Or Borrow SI 88, $68,335; grandam of SONORAN FOOSE 2 SI 99, $25,882),
NOT N EASY TASK SI 90 ($18,693), Sweet Charming SI 90 ($15,615). Eligible for TQHA Barrel Futurity
Hip #137 • 2/3/20 Sorrel Colt
(Flyin Color-Jump N Bok, Boknaai)
Out of a 2-time winning full sister to SPEED BOK SI 92 ($58,887). 2nd dam is a half-sister to DUST EM DUSTY SI 106 ($277,788), NO TELL HOTEL SI 101 ($35,804), Lori Darlin SI 98 ($31,902, dam of
NO MAGICAL TALENT SI 101, $95,933,
DARLIN DASHER SI 102, $28,875),
A Runaway Creek SI 97 ($20,917), to the dam of Shake Em Shiney SI 90 ($59,233).
Hip #174 • 2/28/20 Gray Filly
(Flyin Color-Bling Bling Bok, Boknaai)
Out of Bling Bling Bok SI 89 ($30,680).
2nd dam is a winning half-sister to the dam of Shake Em Bok SI 98 ($24,799). 3rd dam is a 2-time winning half-sister to Shake Em Shiney SI 90 ($59,233). 4th dam is All American F.-G1 finalist SHINEY DANCER SI 88 ($68,901), half-sister to DUST EM DUSTY SI 106 ($277,788), NO TELL HOTEL SI 101 ($35,804),
Lori Darlin SI 98 ($31,902).
Hip #197 • 3/25/20 Bay Filly
(Teller Cartel-Wish I Dustem, Rydin And Wishin TB) Half-sister to SPEED BOK SI 92 ($58,887), BUST EM BOK SI 87 (2021, $12,767). Out of a half-sister to DUST EM DUSTY SI 106 ($277,788), NO TELL HOTEL SI 101 ($35,804), Lori Darlin SI 98 ($31,902, dam of NO MAGICAL TALENT SI 101, $95,933, DARLIN DASHER SI 102, $28,875),
Hip #227 • 3/5/20 Gray Filly
(Flyin Color-Zippen Bok, Boknaai)
Out of winner ZIPPEN BOK SI 95 ($6,257). 2nd dam is Shake Em Shiney SI 90 ($59,233), half-sister to the granddam of Bling Bling Bok SI 89 ($30,680), Shake Em Bok Si 98 ($24,799). 3rd dam is All Amer- ican F.-G1 finalist SHINEY DANCER SI 88 ($68,901), half-sister to DUST EM DUSTY SI 106 ($277,788), NO TELL HOTEL SI 101 ($35,804), Lori Darlin
SI 98 ($31,902).
Hip #251 • 1/16/20 Sorrel Colt
(Flyin Color-Dixie Chick Bok-Boknaai)
Out of a full sister to Bling Bling Bok SI 89 ($30,680). 2nd dam is a winning half-sister to the
dam of Shake Em Bok SI 98 ($24,799). 3rd dam is a 2-time winning half-sister to Shake Em Shiney SI 90 ($59,233). 4th dam is All American F.-G1 finalist SHINEY DANCER SI 88 ($68,901), half-sister to DUST EM DUSTY SI 106 ($277,788), NO TELL HOTEL SI 101 ($35,804), Lori Darlin SI 98 ($31,902).
(Boknaai-Shiney Creek Dancer, Rydin And Wishin TB) Full brother to Bling Blink Bok SI 89 ($30,680). Out of a winning half-sister to the dam of
Shake Em Bok SI 98 ($24,799). 2nd dam is a 2-time winning half-sister to Shake Em Shiney
SI 90 ($59,233). 3rd dam is All American F.-G1 finalist SHINEY DANCER SI 88 ($68,901), half-sister to
DUST EM DUSTY SI 106 ($277,788), NO TELL HOTEL SI 101 ($35,804), Lori Darlin SI 98 ($31,902). Eligible for TQHA Barrel Futurity
Hip # 16 • 4/4/20 Gray Colt
(Teller Cartel-Nativecreek Princess, Flyin Color) Half-brother to Boknaai Joe SI 92 ($18,705). Out of a half-sister to DUST EM DUSTY SI 106 ($277,788), NO TELL HOTEL SI 101 ($35,804), Lori Darlin SI 98 ($31,902, dam of NO MAGICAL TALENT SI 101, $95,933, DARLIN DASHER SI 102, $28,875),
A Runaway Creek SI 97 ($20,917), to the dams of Shake Em Shiney SI 90 ($59,233), SPEED BOK
SI 92 ($58,887).
Engagements: AQHA Challenge
Hip #22 • 1/27/20 Sorrel Colt
(Flyin Color-A Landslide Bet, Boknaai)
Full brother to 2 winners, including BOKS FLY TOO
SI 86 ($7,944). Out of a 100% winner/money/ROM producer A LANDSLIDE BET SI 96 ($10,327). 2nd dam is a half-sister to Champion SHINING SKY SI 102 ($494,009), to the dam of DC Darn That Cat SI 94 ($31,658), to the grandam of G2/G3 finalist RIMEN INVESTMENT SI 93 ($63,942). 3rd dam is SKY HEMP SI 91 ($18,897).
Hip #36 • 1/25/20 Bay Colt
(Flyin Color-Speed Bok, Boknaai)
Out of SPEED BOK SI 92 ($58,887). 2nd dam is a half-sister to DUST EM DUSTY SI 106 ($277,788), NO TELL HOTEL SI 101 ($35,804), Lori Darlin
SI 98 ($31,902, dam of NO MAGICAL TALENT
SI 101, $95,933, DARLIN DASHER SI 102, $28,875), A Runaway Creek SI 97 ($20,917), to the dams of Shake Em Shiney SI 90 ($59,233), Boknaai Joe SI 92 ($18,705).
A Runaway Creek SI 97 ($20,917), to the dam of Shake Em Shiney SI 90 ($59,233). Engagements: AQHA Challenge
  All Yearlings are Accredited Texas Bred & Engagements include the TQHA Sale Futurity
Boegner Farm 5878 Dilly Shaw Tap Road • Bryan, TX 77808
Inquiries to John and Charlotte Boegner • John Boegner • Cell (979) 255-2691
email: •
SPEEDHORSE June 2021 37

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