Page 4 - March April 2017 FTM
P. 4

Tracy Todd
Kimberlee Bryce
Amanda Darnley
Shane Lo Maglio
Good Printers, Bridgewater, VA
Family Therapy Magazine (ISSN 1538-9448)
is published bimonthly (January, March, May, July, September, November) by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, Inc., 112 South Alfred Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3061. Printed in the USA. Periodical mailing from Alexandria and additional entry points. ©2017 by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT), Inc. All rights reserved. Written permission for reprinting and duplicating must be obtained through the Copyright Clearance Center at www.copyright. com.
The articles published in the Family Therapy Magazine are not necessarily the views of the association and are not to be interpreted as official AAMFT policy.
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REVIEWING THIS ISSUE OF FTM created a long pause of thought for me about the status and future of our profession. My reflections resembled the old-fashioned percolating coffee machine. Each new thought bubbled into a window providing a glimpse of “what can be.” Let me tell you, “what can be” is certainly that the lawsuit with the Texas Medical Association is settled.
When the news arrived on February 24, 2017 that the Texas Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, held that a Texas MFT licensure board rule authorizing MFTs to diagnose was valid, there was great pride knowing that our Association played a crucial role in this outcome. Knowing that there were multiple parties and situations that would be adversely impacted by such a ruling, AAMFT held firm in its principles to protect the profession of marriage and family therapy. After multiple appeals and an expensive legal battle, the profession prevailed, future MFTs prevailed, individuals, couples and families desiring our services prevailed.
Further, MFTs beyond simply Texas borders also won a victory. As AAMFT President Habben wrote:
Specifically excluding MFTs from diagnosing would undoubtedly cripple the practice of marriage and family therapy in Texas, but far beyond as well. If marriage and family therapy is progressively devalued, recent gains for MFTs in venues such as the Veteran's Affairs may be impacted. Federal efforts for inclusion of MFTs as Medicare providers are hampered if practice in one of largest states is minimized. Perhaps most profoundly, a successful effort in Texas to deny MFTs the privilege to diagnose, sets the stage for such similar argument in other states.
(How the TMA Ruling Affects Other States' Right to Diagnose, The AAMFT Blog, March 13, 2017)
AAMFT was unwavering regardless of costs, odds, and seemingly illogical arguments favoring the opposition. The conviction that licensed marriage and family therapists are qualified to diagnose remained steadfast; no compromises were made. Our integrity remains intact.
During this fight, there were others that supported us along the way. I wish to recognize the following for their contributions:
• AAMFT Boards (past and present) for the investment in the profession for all marriage and family therapists
• TAMFT members and leaders for their diligence and hard work
• California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists for support via amicus brief
• Association of Marital and Family Therapy Regulatory Boards for support via amicus brief
• The law firm of Baker Botts for excellent representation, and
• Every single contributor to the Practice Protection Fund.

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