Page 8 - JAN2020 BBQNEWS Digital Issue
P. 8

  world. Back
in 1990, the
paper was
the only
means to
this goal.
Since then,
we have har-
nessed sev-
different ve-
hicles to
make sure
we share those happenings with you and the rest of the barbe- cue nation. Emails, social media, websites, forums, and even a few live events now accent the monthly magazine to accomplish our never-ending job that never has or never will change. That job is still to keep the barbecue enthusiast informed about all things barbecue and grilling.
We have hosted several different events over the years to keep in touch with all of our barbecue family. None of those events were as successful as the National Barbecue Festival that we helped produced for nearly 11 years. Those yearly barbecue events com- bined together to create a festival that is still talked about today even though the last event held was in 2011. Our Rubs and Sauces of Honor events continue to set new records for entries each year as these events welcome both commercial and home- made varieties of sauce and rub to be entered. Our 2020 Ben Que'n National Barbecue Tour is another series of events that will continue to help us promote all of the things that make up Bar- becue News today. Just know the National Barbecue Festival was
placed on hold as my dad needed the extra at- tention be- fore his passing in 2013. This event will be back in some form or fashion again and could be sooner than later. These events hap- pen be- cause of your sup- port. Keep looking for new and dif-
ferent things like these to continue. We don't see these events stopping anytime soon as they keep us plugged in and work- ing hard
for the various members and organizations that make up the BBQ family.
Another great piece of advice I received while discussing buying this publication was given to be by Doc Gillis. He told me, "Al- ways remember there is power in numbers and even sharks and lions prey on those who stray away from the pack." I've taken this advice to heart, and that is why we try to work with every barbe- cue group possible. We are honored to be the official publication of some of the most significant BBQ organizations that America has to offer. California BBQ Association, The Pitmaster Club, Northeast Barbeque Society, Mid Atlantic BBQ Association, Min- nesota Barbeque Society, Steak Cookoff Association, and the Na- tional Barbecue and Grilling Association are currently letting us work for them every month. This trend will also never stop as we are always looking to partner up with those who have the same interest in barbecue as we do.
Every day I walk into the office, I feel like a kid trying to learn what is the latest or greatest trend to reach new barbecue and grilling enthusiasts. There is no telling what next great platform will be introduced, but just know if we can figure it out then we'll be jumping on the help keep the smoke rolling. And if I knew what that next great platform was, I would be extending a hand out to all of our BBQ family to join with us.
Beyond Grateful As Always
Our most treasured partner for the past 30 years has always been YOU and will continue to be YOU! Without YOU, there would be no need for the countless hours of typing, reading, researching, testing, posting, emailing, or stressing over which photos and ar- ticles need to be published or culled. We are beyond grateful for your support and will always continue to work with a never give up attitude to keep you in the know about all things barbecue and grilling. Thank you again for letting us work for you, and as always please let us know what you think we should be working on next for YOU!
Until Next Month...Keep It Smokin'
Kell and Crew - 8

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