Page 4 - October 2021 Issue
P. 4

Pigs Flying In Kansas City
Barbecue News Magazine
PO Box 981
Douglas, GA 31534 PHONE: 800-385-0002 EMAIL: WEBSITE:
Joe M. Phelps and Dr. Don “Doc” Gillis
R. Kell Phelps
Carlene S. Phelps
Office Manager
Janet Phelps
Featured Contributors
Ardie A. Davis (aka Remus Powers) Doug Mosley
Daren Proctor
Vic Clevenger
Mark & Gretchen Noordsy Dana Hillis
Ray Sheehan
Michael Garrison Raymond Cato
Ben Arnot
Christy Jones
Published Monthly By
Baylyn Enterprises, Inc.
In Memoriam
Joe M. Phelps • Dr. Don “Doc” Gillis
Brian Heinicke • Billy Bones • Rocky Danner • Jim Tabb
NBN is proud to be THE official publication for:
Barbecue News Magazine is published monthly by Baylyn Enterprises, Inc., for (U.S.) $30 per 1 year or 12 issues, 336 Phelps Rd., Douglas, GA 31533. Periodicals Permit USPS 018428, entered at Dou- glas, Ga.
Reproduction of art work, original copy, editorial material, etc. appearing in the National Barbecue News is strictly prohibited without the expressed written consent of the publisher. Our responsibility for errors and omissions consists only of the re-print of advertising space in the next edition. Opinions of writers/columnists do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the owners. We reserve the right to edit, condense, or omit any ad or submitted article and are not responsible for any copyright infringements. Deadline for content is the 15th of each month. For additional information, call the National Barbecue News office at 1-800-385-0002 or contact us via email at
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©2021 Baylyn Enterprises/ National Barbecue News
     R. Kell Phelps
There are a few annual BBQ events that are indescribable. PigAPalooza is one such event and is part of the American Royal on Friday evening party scene. This event is a fundraiser that benefits Oper- ation Barbecue Relief. It is only attended by the sponsors of the hugely successful non- profit.
This year got started on Thursday evening with an SCA steak event that hosted 61 of the hottest competitors in the steak world. 2021 marked the seventh time this epic whole hog competition
was held. According to the event organizer, Craig Carter, this was the most successful event to date with over $7,500 raised. Craig Darman took home the prize for this starter event with a 251.7 score. Joe Oshrink actually had the same exact total score but lost on a taste score tiebreaker.
      Photo courtesy of Next Level Images
Friday evening showcased the best hog cookers in the country and even saw a flying pig from the original "shock pitmaster" Stretch. The October cover showcases the win- ning hog from the Boars Night Out team (BNO). They are the current three-time champion of this spectacular
  invitational whole hog event. Their winning hog weighed in at 144 pounds and was a product of Compart Family Farms. The BNO team created two different flavors with this one hog. One side featured a traditional BBQ flavor, while the other side was done in a porchetta style with fresh garlic and herbs being the dominant flavor profile.
I am already looking forward to attending the 2022 event to see how these pitmasters top what was done this year. - 4
Until Next Month...Keep It Smokin'
Kell and Crew

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