Page 25 - MARCH 2020 Barbecue News Magazine
P. 25
Always a favorite among attendees, this year’s Awards Cer- emony will possibly be the best one yet. First, there will be a great meal enjoyed by all who attend. This is such a great way to visit with friends you’ve not seen since last year or hang out with folks you not talked with since last week BBQ competition. You get to see everyone a bit dressed up as the laugh and talk with one another, anticipating who will walk away with some awards.
A few months ago, in this column, we spoke extensively about all the di昀erent categories from sauces to rubs to products to media. So many diverse ways to win as well as see what oth- ers in our community is up to. In addition to this there are the Legends Awards which recognize, just what it says, the legends of our industry. Past winners have been Tu昀y Stone, OBR, Gary Roark and many others. This year’s winners will be just as much legends as those of the past and being there to witness it will be a must.
In the glow of the lights of downtown Kansas City embers burned bright red as some of the nations top steak cooks p repared to win the coveted rhinestone cow- boy hat, a golden ticket to the SCA world championship and some money. Former world champions were there as well as other conference goers hoping to follow in their footsteps. Walking away with the top
prize in 2019 was Dan Judd. Can he repeat, which no one has, or will there be another winner?
This year we will be going o昀 property, but only a couple miles, as we journey to the Pit Barrel Cookers headquarters and ware- house. PBC founder, Noah Glanville and his team will be open- ing their doors to the NBBQA for this long-standing tradition as well as the NBBQA Classic the next day. We are grateful to Noah, a longtime supporter of the NBBQA and the SCA for their hospitality for this year’s conference steak cook o昀s.
One of the great attributes of the NBBQA National Conference is being able to learn
from those who have become successful
in BBQ. In Louisville, the Meet the Masters
will be back in grand fashion. There will
be more stories from those who’ve “been
there, done that” and tips galore to take
home. Opportunities to ask questions, get
photos, and just listen to those who not only blazed a trail for those to follow but continue to do so.
This year we are hearing from those who are game changers in the business of BBQ. Darian Kosmo whose Kosmo product line are in the arsenal of many world champions. Mike Johnson of Sugar昀re BBQ knows the excitement of opening many locations in addition to traveling the world spreading BBQ knowledge. Sterling Smith of Loot ‘n Booty is in high demand around the world as a BBQ teacher, who has a goal of simply making you a better cook. Tim Sheer brings the towering story of Blues Hog BBQ to this panel. This will be a must attend for anyone wanting to learn how to grow their business regardless of what it looks like.
Last month we broke down a lot of the
speakers who will be leading our sessions
this year. One creating a lot of buzz will be
our keynote speaker, John McPhee, who
will be addressing the conference Thursday
morning. This presentation kicks o昀 two
days of education to help you enhance your
business and the pursuit of your BBQ goals.
There will be a lot of presenters you’ve heard of and many you have not but each will be there because of their expertise in the subject matter.
Topics will include, product development, event planning, social media navigation, trends in BBQ, and so many other top- ics. A good leader is always looking to grow, even those who have “arrived” can learn something. A famous story about Julia Child is how she would sit on the front row of a food confer- ence taking notes because she sought to be better, to learn and to grow. Visit for a complete list of speakers and the topics.
Many deals and partnerships have been made during the NBBQA National Conference. Networking is a vital part of any trade association’s conference and the NBBQA conference isn’t any di昀erent. There’s the corridor, the lobby and the bar where all this networking takes place every day of the confer- ence. However, each are full of distractions to where the only place to really discuss business is in your room but 昀nding a place to sit can be hard to come by. The conference committee recognized this and how important networking is to our mem- bers, so they endeavored to 昀nd a solution.
This year we will have a room which will have refreshments, tables and chairs for you to have meetings as you forge alli- ances. This “networking room” will be available to conference attendees who desire a distraction-free environment in which to talk about your future partnerships.
Everyone loves happy hour. After work we will meet someone for a drink or just stop by our favorite place for a happy hour food deal. One of the attributes of a great happy hour is how causal and laid back they are. There’s no pressure, just friends getting together to visit with one another. This year the NBBQA will be host three such happy hours during the conference.
On Wednesday, prior to the Culinary Fight Club event, will be the Welcome party. This will be where you can see who has rolled in and see friends you’ve not seen in a while. Then there will be one where the focus will be on our Special Interest Groups. You will have the opportunity to pick each other’s brain on what works for you in business, marketing, culinary, products and events but in a happy hour setting. The third happy hour event will provide opportunities to meet the NBBQA board members. This casual setting will give you the chance to ask those questions and give those ideas you’ve been hesitating to o昀er.
As you can see the NBBQA National Conference in Louisville, KY will be jam packed with opportunities for you to enhance your BBQ business. If you haven’t done so just yet, you need to register and book your room at the historic Galt House April 1-4 so you won’t miss a moment.
See you in Louisville, Kentucky!
MARCH 2020 - 25