Page 31 - MARCH 2020 Barbecue News Magazine
P. 31

    FBA board, includ- ing one year as President of FBA. More recently, Jim has created the Jim and Tim show after each contest. He joins up with Tim Malloy, Backyard Bros, to streamline a 10-15 minute show highlighting the ac- tivities of that day on the BBQ circuit. These are typically very humorous, and many times they
have guests from the BBQ World join them. Sound effects and backdrops add to the quality of these shows. The Jim and Tim show is always available via Facebook after any of the BBQ events where he competes. I have become a follower of these recap shows, and they always give me some humor before my long trip home.
As his competition activity began to increase, Jim designed and built the very high profile and visible Sweet Smoke Q Trailer. At the time, it was a large and major trailer adorned with the famous blue flames paint scheme and the Sweet Smoke Q logo. By today's standards, it is a medium-sized trailer. Many teams today have the fifth wheel
rigs with living quarters, full kitchens, and much more. How- ever, Jim and his trailer continue to earn champi- onships and BBQ honors around the World.
He has judged
two contests in
The Hague, in the
Netherlands. He
has competed
twice in the Jack
Daniels Invita-
tional, five years
in the American
Royal BBQ in Kansas City, and five years in the World Food Cham- pionship.
Jim wasn't happy with the BBQ products available on the open market, so he developed an injection for his entries. This product has been very successful, and many of the teams purchase Jim's "Q Juice" injection and use it in their entries. He has one for Beef and one for Pork. Jim feels this custom product contributes to his suc- cess, so he added to his line of injections. He now has a line of rubs for different meats, and a line of very good sauces. When Jim vends, he also sells all of his products to both the public and many of the teams who compete against him.
Early on, Jim learned the value of Drum Smoking, and he called
upon his mechani-
cal engineering de-
sign capabilities to
design a line of
Drum Smokers. His
line has a controlled
air supply, which
provides an excel-
lent temperature
control. He coats
the product with
powder coating, in-
stead of paint, for
longer-lasting fin-
ishes. He also does
custom artwork for
those who want it.
They are appropriately called QDS, Q Drum Smokers. Thus bring- ing his many talents to this product line.
Today he has a complete shop across from the Lakeland Linder Airport, where he first started, and he manufactures these prod- ucts. He has a complete research kitchen where he develops his rubs, sauces, and injections. I am looking forward to trying some of these in my own cooking. Jim earned fourth overall in the PigFest this year, Florida's number one contest. Looking at the list of competitors, this was certainly nothing to be ashamed of, truly a great accomplishment.
  Honored to be official cutlery of
   MARCH 2020 - 31

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