Page 4 - Toledo
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 signed two sets of tableware for the Vernon Kilns of Los Angeles and Don Blanding, poet and ar­ tist of Hawaii, has done a set called Coral Reef for the same company. Victor Schreckengost of Cleveland and Paul Bogatay of Columbus, both
well-known for their fine ceramics are now also designing for commercial potteries. Included in the ceramics also are sculptures and other deco­ rative pieces by Waylande Gregory and Carl Walters. Several potteries little known here are represented, among them Shearwater, Dedham and Rushmore.
Opportunity for development of commercial products in original fields is shown in the hand­ bent glass designed by Paul Lobel. A new type of ware, mechanically reproducing patterns sug­ gested by some of the works of the master glass craftsman of France, Rene Lalique, is that pro­ duced by Verlys of America. Other glass shown has been chosen from the best designs of such manufacturers as Fostoria Glass, United States
Glass, and Libbey Glass.
The Museum is most appreciative of the gen­ erous cooperation of the lenders to the Exhi­ bition.

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