Page 10 - Volume 20
P. 10
Beginning with the first issue
of 2018, the OFCA Publications Committee will launch InCommand’s newest regularly re-occurring feature, Letters to the Editor. With the retire- ment of the Ask the Old Man column, the committee decided to launch
a forum for readers to share their opinions and concerns through letters to the editor.
The following are the rules for submission:
u Letters submitted for publication must include the writer’s name, address and daytime telephone number for verification.
u Letters must deal with current issues and be kept to a length 300 words or less.
u No inflammatory language will be allowed including use of obscene, racist, or sexually explicit language.
u Personal attacks of any kind are not permitted.
u Letters of a commercial nature designed to promote a service or product are not permitted.
u Thank-you letters are not permitted.
u Letters from declared candidates of any kind are not permitted.
u All letters are subject to editing.
u Due to space and issue restrictions, not all letters will be published; however, all letters will be addressed.
Once your letter is received, the Publications Committee will select an OFCA member or outside source (if necessary) with expertise in the area
of your opinion or concern to address your letter. Your submitted letter, along with the response letter, will appear side-by-side in each issue.
Submit letters to: using the subject line “Letters to the Editor”.
The deadline for the next publication is: November 10, 2017.
You are encouraged to share and express your opinions and concerns in your own words.
We look forward to hearing from you and what’s on your mind!
Thank you,
OFCA Publications Committee