Page 22 - Volume 20
P. 22
Legislative Update - State
By Jonathan Westendorf, Legislative Committee Chair and Michelle Fitzgibbon, Legislative Agent
House Bill 69 is an opportunity for us to realize some or all of the monies from our levied taxes. This bill will give us a voice when municipalities, such as Pickerington, attempt to offer new TIF legislation to developers.
The Ohio Fire Chiefs’ Association has been very active during the first six months of the 132nd General Assembly. Numerous members have testified before the Ohio General Assembly on key issues that impact the fire service.
Amended Substitute House Bill 49 (Biennial Budget Bill): Along with
his signature on June 30th, Governor Kasich line-item vetoed 47 provisions in the biennial budget bill. As a result, the House of Representatives began the veto override process for the first time since 1977. In order to override a veto from the Governor, both the House and Senate need three-fifths of the chamber to vote in favor of
the override. The House of Representatives voted to override 11 of the Governor’s vetoes, and the Senate will most likely take up some of the overrides when they return from summer recess. Additionally, the House of Representatives has until December 31, 2018 to act on any of the remaining 36 vetoed provisions.
The following provisions were included in the final version of the biennial budget:
MARCS Funding: The budget provides $1 million in each fiscal year to offset the MARCS subscriber fees. During a very difficult budget, we were able to secure $1 million in each fiscal year, which is a significant success after beginning the budget process with no funding appropriation for the biennium.
Manufactured Homes Commission: The Manufactured Homes Commission was abolished and replaced with the Manufactured Homes Advisory Council under the Department of Commerce. When established, the council will consist of seven members, and the Director of Commerce will appoint five of the members. The director’s appointments will require different expertise, including: water supply opera- tions knowledge, public health experience, operation of a manufactured home park, and manufactured homes sales. One member appointed by the director will be a fire chief. Along with the director’s appointments, the Speaker of the House and President of the Senate will each appoint one member of the public who has no pecuniary or fiduciary interest in the manufactured housing industry. The council will advise the Department of Commerce on the director’s duties in regulating the manufactured housing industry in Ohio.
Emergency Response Plan Funding: The budget included the continuation of funding to support the Ohio Fire Chiefs’ Emergency Response Plan.
House Bill 128, Building Inspection Regulations, Representative Kristina Roegner (R-Hudson): House Bill 128 would permit a general contractor or owner of specified buildings to enter into a contract with a third-party private inspector or a certified building department for building inspection and to make other changes relating to building inspections. During the bill’s third hearing in the House Economic Development, Commerce and Labor Committee, Chief Jonathan Westendorf provided opponent testimony on behalf of the OFCA. Chief Westendorf stated, “As written, House Bill 128 offers no practical manner in which