Page 33 - Volume 20
P. 33
u Post-incident Rehab. Even after you leave the incident, you need to be aware that your body is still recover- ing. Make sure to continue hydration and avoid caffeine for at least 24 hours post incident. Replenish your body with foods high in nutritional value, and monitor yourself using the Dehydration Urine Color chart until you are back to nearly clear.
It’s also important to note that while each firefighter should be following these rehabilitation tips, you are all on a team and should monitor each other, as well. Encourage each other to stay hydrated during summer months and condition regularly.
Help me make sure Everyone Goes Home -- finish summer strong and hydrated. Focusing on rehab now can save you in the future. u
New Members
Deputy Chief Captain/Fire ghter Lieutenant
District Chief
Fire Chief
Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain
Lieutenant Chief
Chief Lieutenant Captain Captain Lieutenant Chief
Deputy Chief Captain
Chief Assistant Chief Lieutenant District Chief District Chief Captain
Firemedic District Chief Captain
Chief Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Captain Assistant Chief Captain
Retired Members
Assistant Chief Chief
Battalion Chief
David Baird, OFE Robert Benjamin
Rachel Berkey Francisco Caceres, OFE Craig Coburn, OFE Rusty Cross
Charles Deem
Jeffrey Diederich, OFE Louis DiMattia
Harry Ellis
Joyce Fetzer
Richard Gabel
Richard Haacke
Randy Kimbro
David King
Thomas Leathem Stephen Ludwig
Kevin McFarland, OFE Ben Meddles
Chris Nye
Dean Ortlieb
Kenneth Papesh
Carter Pittman
Andrew Register
Thom Ross
Chad Schafer
Jason Scheiderer
Brian Schweitzer
Brad Shaffer
Adam Silla
Thomas Skaggs
Joe Stouffer
Samson Strausser, OFE John Thomas
Michael Turner
Nathan Urban, OFE Dennis Wilkinson
Mark Williamson, OFE Nick Zamiska
Rick Evans
Jeffrey Hogya
William Houk, OFC, OFE Brent Smith
Norwich Township Fire Department East Cleveland Fire
Perry Twp. Fire Department Madeira/Indian Hill JFD
Cincinnati Fire Department
Spring Valley Township Fire Department Marion City Fire Department
Bedford Fire Department
Willoughby Hills FD
Perry Twp. Fire Department
Perry Twp. Fire Department
Monclova Township Administration Of ces Trotwood Fire & Rescue
Grafton Village Fire Dept
Pleasant Twp Fire Department
Middletown Division of Fire
Violet Township Fire Department Marion Twp. Fire Department Sylvania Township
City of Whitehall
Valley View Fire Department Woodlawn Fire Department Deer eld Township Warren County Perry Twp. Fire Department
Perry Twp. Fire Department Pleasant Valley FD
Columbus Springs Hospital
Perry Twp. Fire Department
Perry Twp. Fire Department
New Bavaria Volunteer Fire Dept
City of Bedford Heights Fire Department City of Cleveland Heights
Perry Twp. Fire Department
Clearcreek Fire District
Clinton Twp. Vol. Fire Department Kettering Fire Department
Brecksville Fire Department
Madison Twp. Fire Department Fairport Harbor Fire Department Jefferson Twp. Fire Department Pleasant Valley Joint Fire District