Page 10 - Ohio Restaurant Association Summer 2022
P. 10

   Damon Maletta
Adesso Capital
The darkest days of the pandemic may be behind us, but many restaurants are still digging out of the severe financial downturn that has lasted two years.
But as we move into fall with extended outdoor seating capacity, there’s more good news that can help your restaurant accelerate its recovery.
You may be eligible for up to $26,000 per W-2 employee in federal COVID financial assistance through the Employee Retention Credit (ERC).
The ERC is money that can be used for any purpose, and it’s retroactive to 2020. But less than
25 percent of eligible businesses have filed for their ERC funds.
Why? The ERC filing process is complex and time-consuming, and many busy business owners lack the time and expertise to file for their ERC funds. Moreover, many CPAs and payroll firms are unfamiliar with the ERC and its eligibility requirements.
This has caused a lot of restaurants to leave tens of thousands in ERC money on the table.
My company, Adesso Capital, has provided expert and expedited ERC filing services for hundreds
of restaurants across the U.S.,
securing more than $100 million in ERC funds for busy restaurant owners.
We’ve joined in a partnership with the ORA to offer this valuable service to its members.
Don’t leave your ERC cash unclaimed. Visit the ORA’s ERC Support Center at to put my team to work on your ERC filing.
Visit capital to learn more and contact your ORA Adesso Representative Jane Hartle.
regularly, and interact with those that comment, like or share.
Use digital display to serve branded ads to your exact audience before they need to remember your location.
Regularly update your website and use newsletters or email to reach new and existing customers.
occasion, the customer must first recall your brand. Professionals in marketing will tell you that 9 to 11 impressions—brand touchpoints with your audience—in a 30-day period will solidify your brand as one recalled by your audience. Simply put, your restaurant must be actively seeking that brand engagement and recall before your audience will think of your location(s) as their destination.
Making steps to grow awareness can be complex, but there are simple ways to begin.
Actively participate in social media. Publish entertaining, informative, or educational content
 Anne Drummond
Advance Ohio
Google reports that the average consumer takes 66 days to purchase a new vehicle, and changes their mind about the dealership, make or model a total of 13 times. That “decision journey” is a lengthy one, with plenty
of opportunity to influence the consumer’s choice. In restaurants, we know the decision journey is much shorter, often just 30 minutes from the time of “what do you feel like?” to “let’s go here.”
The more your audience sees you in their natural internet travels, the more they’ll think of you when hunger strikes.
This abbreviated decision- making period is the very reason that strong branding in hospitality is critical. Before making the decision on where to dine or celebrate an
Visit advance-ohio to learn more and to contact ORA AO Representative Kevin Reilly.
  Doug Fahrenholz
just when we think the foodservice industry is about to leave the pandemic behind, a new twist develops. Inflation
is not only taking its toll on the restaurateur, but there is a true supply shortage. The foodservice equipment-and-supply industry estimates that market inflation and shortages will persist until 2024 at the earliest.
The current number one driver of supply chain disruptions for restaurants is the global nickel shortage. Nickel is a chemical element used to produce stainless steel. As we know, a large percentage of restaurant
equipment and supplies
are stainless steel products manufactured using stainless steel components. Therefore, a nickel shortage also points to a stainless steel shortage resulting in inflation and long lead times. In some cases, current lead times for stainless steel products are between 20 and 50 weeks.
The foodservice industry has always been a just-in-time (JIT) distribution network, receiving inventory right when it is needed. However, supply chain disruptions and subsequent longer lead times are pushing operators to think longer term. Many independent
and multi-unit operators are purchasing key equipment items well in advance by anticipating which kitchen items will need to be replaced or restocked over the next 12 months.
For operators opening a new restaurant location, we advise that you order your equipment and supplies 12 months before the scheduled opening date to offset last minute complications. For the foodservice industry as a whole, now is the time to evaluate your current existing kitchen equipment and supplies by looking to the future. You do not want to be caught short.

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