Page 12 - ORA A La Carte Issue 2
P. 12

RDP has partnered with the Ohio Restaurant Association and participated in the Mid- America Restaurant Expo for many years (going back to the Pizza and Ice Cream Show days). We recognize a number of benefits from being a part of the show.
First, it allows us to “show off” who we are and what we do – and really what sets us apart from our competitors - to a wide range of restauranteurs from around the Midwest. From new single-unit operators just getting started to a variety of major chains based in the region, so many people come to the show and stop by our booth giving us a great opportunity to tell our story.
Being at the show also allows us to see what’s new and exciting in the restaurant world. We always come away from the show with some new ideas on products that our customers may be interested in, or new technology or equipment that we can discuss with them. It’s a great way to stay on the cutting edge of new ideas in the industry.
Our booth at the Expo is also “home base” for many of our existing customers. Stopping by the RDP area gives those customers a chance to relax for a minute, catch their breath, and spend a few minutes with their sales rep and our leadership team. These connections always help us further our relationships with these customers.
Finally, participating in the Mid-America Restaurant Expo helps RDP show its support for and partnership with the Ohio Restaurant Association. The ORA does great work for the restaurant industry and healthy restaurants make great customers.
Jeffrey Fix
Multi Unit Business Development
We always work to support our industry and especially our local community. Through the Mid-America Restaurant Expo, our team was able to network and mingle with a lot of contacts from not only central Ohio but all throughout the state. Our experience of participating was smooth from start to finish because the event was extremely well organized. We are excited to return to the Expo this year due to the amazing brand exposure and contact building.
Jordan Helman
President & Co-Founder High Bank Distiller Co. Zest Juice Co.

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