Page 21 - ORA A La Carte Issue 2
P. 21

   Justin Rice
It’s no secret that the last year has been hard on the foodservice and hospitality industry. Enterprise leaders have been
forced to confront a variety of difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic; including a severe decline in business, demanding safety measures, and no small amount of uncertainty. Amid this difficult climate, many foodservice organizations are discovering the benefits of managed networking solutions such as Network as a Service (NaaS) by CBTS.
NaaS works by replacing legacy networks with a scalable, agile, and potent cloud-capable environment that can be managed and supported by capable off-site experts. With everything that restaurant operators have to juggle and considering how important the customer experience is to the success of a hospitality venture, it’s no wonder that foodservice leaders are looking to offload their network architecture with customized NaaS solutions.
By partnering with CBTS for a NaaS solution, your organization can easily and seamlessly network point-of-sale devices, guest Wi-Fi connection points, internal databases, and more; all capable of being scaled up and down as needed to accommodate new locations. This flexibility is especially crucial for seasonal businesses and those looking to expand as the pandemic eventually winds down. Moreover, NaaS comes complete with 24/7/365 support. Any time your business suffers an outage, slowdown, or any other networking obstacle, CBTS will be there to address the issue so you can continue providing your guests and customers with the experience they expect.
Contact CBTS for more information on how NaaS can modernize and streamline your foodservice or hospitality enterprise.
Learn more at
  While 70% of medical decisions are based on diagnostic test results, over 50% of people who should be screened aren’t getting screened. Patients that avoid recommended tests aren’t avoiding chronic conditions. Lack of access to convenient healthcare including the scheduling constraints, wait times, and overall burden of visiting labs and hospitals continue to be barriers in re-engaging people in preventive health, and is attributing to $1 in every $4 spent on healthcare.
Removing friction from traditional healthcare experiences and effectively delivering care, from diagnosis to condition management, encourages people to be proactive in their health. Virtual diagnostic platforms like LetsGetChecked uniquely solve these challenges with their end-to-end platform that allows for diagnostics, clinical intervention, e-prescription, and better outcomes achieved at home.
Learn more at
Derek Newell
  à la carte | Summer 2021 21

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