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approachable and creates an atmosphere of trust, learning and teamwork. When employees question you, don’t become defensive. A developmental approach which empowers employees is much more effective.
Instill core traits such as honesty, passion, personal accountability, humility, and respect in the members of the department. Get to know each other; what the individual and organizational goals and aspirations are; and as a team, how they can be achieved. It is critical that employees understand their organizational roles. They must feel that they are trusted, respected and valued.
Leadership is a journey, not a destination. It will be important to continue to review and revise goals and strategies. As you grow in your leadership role, it is important to reassess yourself as well. Seek out your inner circle for feedback on your performance. Are you balancing personal
and professional goals? Often times, we set our sights on individual details and lose sight of the big picture. Continuing to form and maintain strong relationships with the right people, maintaining approachability, and a willingness to listen to the input of others will be important in these ongoing processes.
Do not let leaders become micromanagers, knowledge hoarders, or loners. These are roadside bombs on the leadership path. Preventing the development of these traits can be achieved through leadership education and strong mentorship.
There is a reason the rearview mirror is so small compared to the windshield. Focus on the future and where you want to go. It is okay to glance at the past, but it is behind us and cannot be changed. By focusing on the road ahead, you can look for opportunities that will provide a strong and produc- tive future. As Chief, you must plant the seeds for the future success of the organization; invest time, money, and training in personnel to develop the leaders of the future. Those future leaders are your legacy. u
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