Page 4 - Tips for Leading with Inclusion
P. 4
Be conscious of representation on meetings. Avoid tokenization.
Help the group to share the air time by using names and leveraging different prompts to invite a response (“I’d love to hear from somebody who hasn’t had a chance to share.”)
Use storytelling, metaphors, and emotional language. Create a mental picture or experience for participants. “Imagine the experience of...” Our brains are better at encoding stories than bullet-points.
You prepped for this, now implement
it: Build in pause / time to digest information. Provide time to reflect and write down thoughts, either through
chat or individually on their own (and
not shared with the group). Taking a 30-second pause for people to focus their thoughts in independant written form feels awkward but can be very necessary for certain types of learners.
Give grace to outside / background noise.