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“ We believe Oak Parkers are ready to take another bold leap by turning our racial and social justice vision and values into actions and results.”
More than fifty years ago, Oak Park boldly adopted a Fair Housing Ordinance designed to foster racial integration and eliminate discrimination. The aspirations and impacts of the ordinance – visionary for its time and a model for other communities – continues to shape village life today.
Each of the Represent Oak Park candidates for village trustee – three Black Oak Parkers raised in the village – are the product of that bold action. Yet, the work of racial and social justice in Oak Park continues. Racial disparities persist in a variety of arenas – including education, housing, health care, policing, employment, and wealth. Inequitable treatment, marginalization, and incidents of racial hate persist.
Over the past 50 years, it has become clear that conventional strategies for addressing- instead of racism are not enough. Strategies applied in Oak Park – focused on integra- tion, diversity, and community relations – are necessary, but are not sufficient, to eliminate systemic racism. Over the past two decades, municipal governments across the country have embraced new approaches, more sharply focused on equity and inclusion. And, pro- gressive and innovative communities have adopted an intersectional framework of racial and social justice, addressing race explicitly, but not exclusively.
Our Village government, once a trailblazer on issues of race, has yet to adopt a racial equity policy or a comprehensive equity plan. Both of our school districts, thanks to community- and student-led efforts, have enacted race and equity policies, providing a useful and necessary framework for advancing systemic change.
In 2019, the Village Trustees, at the initiative and urging of the Community Relations Com- mission, adopted an updated Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Statement. The Statement’s vision and values are powerful, but lacking in both action and accountability. Its lofty language is lacking in terms of impact.
This past year, racial disparities have come into sharper focus, as Oak Parkers, along with the nation, battle the impacts of a global pandemic, an economic crisis, and continuing manifestations of systemic racism. A local strategic and systemwide approach to equity has become clear and urgent. We can turn crisis into opportunity by embracing Represent Oak Park’s Race and Social Justice Initiative.
Represent Oak Park is a coalition and campaign supporting three Trustee candidates running for Oak Park Village Trustee in the April 6, 2021 municipal election. These can- didates are experienced, well-positioned, uniquely qualified, and deeply committed to govern and lead this effort.
The work of racial and social justice in our Village is not complete until all of our residents can thrive. This work will define Oak Park for the next 50 years. We believe Oak Parkers are ready to take another bold leap by turning our racial and social justice vision and values into actions and results. We truly believe we can be the racial and social justice trailblazers and champions that we were meant to be. This is the moment. This is the movement to uplift all of us.
Candidate, Village Trustee
Candidate, Village Trustee
Candidate, Village Trustee