Page 21 - ITI VC Guide
P. 21
Equity Funding Guide
The Role of the Non-Executive Director
The considerable amount of media attention
on the issue of corporate governance has highlighted the role of Non-Executive Directors. It is well documented that Non-Executive Directors can make a significant contribution
to company performance regardless of size.
The use of Non-Executive Directors is one way of accelerating the development and growth
of SMEs and whether it is a longstanding traditional business or a start-up seeking equity finance, non-executives can bring added value with objectivity drawn from their own experience and skills.
It is normal for Venture Capital investors to place a Non-Executive Director on the Board of the investee company to represent their interests. This can either be one of its own fund managers or an individual who has sectoral, market, or management expertise which will help delivery of the corporate plan.
Most Venture Capitalists, however, recognise that the chemistry and teamwork between the non-executive and the existing management team is crucial. As a result, the VC’s Non- Executive Director is there to play an integral role in the development of the company rather than act as a watchdog for their investment. This availability of outside expertise to the management team represents a valuable asset for most companies, particularly start-ups, and is one reason why Venture Capital is regarded as a value-added source of finance for SMEs.