Page 1 - ZenkerFolkman How Extraordinary Leaders Double Profits
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Extraordinary Performance. Delivered.

                          How Extraordinary LEadErs

                                                                   doubLE Profits:

         Decoding Leadership Trends to Discover the Patterns

                                                                        by Jack Zenger, Joe Folkman and Scott K. Edinger

            A PAttern emerges                                                   The connection between leadership
                                                                                and the bottom line has to an extent
            Observe the print by M.C. Escher at
                                                                                been made. Yet, most of what we’ve
            right long enough, and a mysterious
                                                                                seen recounted in the mountains of
            pattern (of a duck morphing into a fish)
                                                                                materials published on the subject of
            becomes apparent throughout the piece.
                                                                                leadership is the result of closed-door
            Not unlike deciphering an Escher work,
                                                                                boardroom brainstorming sessions and
            we’ve spent years decoding leadership
                                                                                personal treatises of famous, successful
            trends and we’ve discovered a pattern
                                                                                executives. While interesting, we’re left
            that’s likely to pique your interest: ex-
                                                                                confused by the variety of opinions on
            traordinary leaders can double profits.
                                                                                key issues involving leadership and the
            This is a bold statement that will un-                              slew of contradicting leadership devel-
            doubtedly bring to mind a few ques-                                 opment models. That is until now.
            tions that we’ll answer in this article,            Discovery vs. Creation
                                                                Zenger | Folkman has answered the call to provide a more
            •   How does leadership drive profit?
                                                                scientific approach to the study of leadership. As a result,
            •   How do organizations and leaders maximize, if not   we have gathered research that supports the dramatic claim
               double, profit opportunity?                      that leaders, good and bad, directly affect the bottom line
                                                                of the organization.
            •   How do we capitalize on leadership as a means to
               profit and growth?                               In recent years, one of the authors, Dr. Folkman, has
            •   What  issues  can  leaders  impact  that  will  most    led a team that has analyzed a substantial database of
                                                                some 300,000 feedback
               effectively drive profit?
                                                                instruments (commonly
            •   What data supports the claim that extraordinary    called 360-degree feed-  If you want to find out the
               leaders double profits?                          back reports) that pertain
                                                                                         effectiveness of a leader, ask
            •   How  do  we  identify  and  develop  extraordinary    to approximately 30,000
                                                                managers.  Our  premise
               leaders?                                                                  those who are led.
                                                                was simply if you want to
                                                                find out the effectiveness
                                                                of a leader, ask those who are led.

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