Page 2 - NFL September 2020 Newsletter Class Member Edition
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In this Issue
A Message from the Claims Administrator
Changes to Your Contact Information
A Message from the Claims Administrator
We work hard to help the Settlement Program run efficiently and and effectively and and regularly assess how we can can improve You can can help us us with that by sending us us your suggestions and complaints If there is something about the Program you do not like or
think we can do better tell us We want to hear from you and are here to to serve and to to help Call 1-855-887-3485 or
email us if you have any questions or
concerns Please continue to check the Settlement Website for Program updates Orran Brown
Founding Partner BrownGreer PLC
By the Numbers
Claims for Supplemental Monetary Awards
Explaining Work and Social Activities
Published Decisions by the Special Master
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INSIGHTS Class Members
September 2020
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