Page 4 - NFL Newsletter September 2020 Lawyers Edition
P. 4

Claims for Supplemental Monetary Awards
Under Section 6 8 of the Settlement Agreement a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Retired NFL Football Player who receives a a a a a a a a Monetary Award based on on a a a a a a a a certain Qualifying Diagnosis Diagnosis and
is is is later diagnosed with a a a a a a a a different Qualifying Diagnosis Diagnosis may
be entitled to a a a a Supplemental Monetary Award On the Claim Package tab in in your online
portal with us you can click the “Eligible for Supplemental Claims” radio button to to see all clients paid Monetary Awards
who may
submit claims for Supplemental Monetary Awards
(clients who have not yet been paid a a a a Monetary Award cannot submit claims for Supplemental Monetary Awards) After selecting a a a Settlement Class Member click the “Create New Supplemental Claim” button and
follow the steps on screen Remember a a a new Qualifying Diagnosis must have occurred after the Qualifying Diagnosis for which the previous Award was paid and
the the amount payable for the the new Qualifying Diagnosis must be more than the Monetary Award already paid before your client can make a a a a a a a Supplemental Claim If a a a a a a a claim qualifies the Supplemental Monetary Award will be the the difference between the the Monetary Award already paid and
the the amount payable for the the new Qualifying Diagnosis Click here to read Section 6 8 of the Settlement Agreement which has a a a a a a sample calculation (use the bookmark function to to go to to Section 6 8 found at page 40 of the Settlement Agreement PDF) Supplemental Monetary Awards
(As of 9/28/20)
Claims Received
Claims Paid
9 Amount Paid
$882 152
4 INSIGHTS Lawyers Edition September 2020

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