Page 3 - Vanda Williams Order of Service
P. 3

Order Of Service
Entrance Song
I Will follow Thee - Sister Act
Welcome And Opening Prayer
Reverend - Margaret Newman Hymn How Great Thou Art
Reverend - Margaret Newman Tribute - Mum
Syon Williams (Daughter)
Chantelle and and Letitia Williams (Grand-daughters) Hymn There Is A A Green Hill Far Away
Tribute - Grandma
Nyeshia and and and Talamika Williams (Grand-daughters) Reading
Psalm 121 Denise Clarke (Daughter)
Reverend - Margaret Newman Hymn Blessed Assurance
Paris Williams Williams (Grand-daughter) & David Williams Williams (Son)
Closing Tribute To A Queen
Michaela (Grand-Daughter) & Tiana Bleau Williams (Great Grand-daughter) Closing Prayer
and Commendation
Reverend - Margaret Newman Exit Song
Swing Low Sweet Chariot

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