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G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology
       Pantnagar 263145, Uttarakhand

                                                             College of Agriculture


        Issue 6, November 2020

      Semester 2020-21 begins online

      A new start with a new spirit

             he time is moving ahead, and the functioning of the society is
             gradually  getting  adaptive  to  the  changes  the  pandemic
       T brought  in.  Amidst  severe  struggles  and  barriers,  the
       educational institutes around the world are seeking out ways to ensure
       the  reach  of  knowledge  to  the  students.  With  series  of  initiatives
       regarding digital modes of teaching-learning in College of Agriculture
       and in the University as well, one more in the series was beginning of the
       new academic semester 2020-21 online. After successful completion of
       nal  examinations  for  all  students  of  the  college  and  distribution  of
       provisional degree certicates to nal year students, it was time to begin   Hon'ble  Vice-Chancellor  Dr.  Tej  Partap,  Dean
       the  new  semester.  Through  proper  planning  and  structuring  of  the   Agriculture  Dr.  S.K.  Kashyap  and  other  faculty
       online system by the college Dean, faculty members, and other staff   members taking feedback of online classes in one
       members, the new semester initiated with the registration process on   of the digital classrooms of the college.
       October  1,  2020  followed  by  regular  classes  from  October  3,  2020
       onwards. The time table for the new session was released for all the
       students with classes to be conducted on Microsoft Teams platform.
       Looking into the scope of online classes and the course outlines, the
       theoretical  portion  of  the  courses  will  be  completed  rst,  while  the
       practical  classes  will  be  taken  when  students  would  return  to  the
              The College of Agriculture is trying every possible way to help
       students to continue with their academic activities with the least effect of
       lockdown. It was for the rst time that the entire process was to be
       completed through online mode. Though there were many challenges
       ahead,  however  through  consistent  efforts  and  proper  coordination
       everything went smoothly and it gave a new learning experience to the
       faculty members and the students. The students are happy to see the
       efforts which the college and University administration is putting in for
       the development of students, right from successfully conducting the
       online  examinations  to  smoothly  running  the  new  semester  without
       many complications. Many students have reected that “We are happy
       to see the functioning of our University for our development and we all   Online  class  in  progress  in  Dr.  N.K.  Anant  Rao
       are ready to co-ordinate with college administration to work efciently   Lecture Complex.
       under any circumstances.”

                                                   Contributed by:
                              Neeraj Tewari, B.Sc Agriculture, III Year
         "Agriculture is the foundation of manufacturers, since the production of nature are the materials of art. ”
                                                                                                - Edward Gibbon
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