Page 10 - DREAM 2047_Aug 2020
P. 10
Along with the caravans and trade items ideas and knowledge also travelled. There were interactions among scholars of the countries. Some of the Persian scholars learnt Sanskrit and wrote texts in it. Most famous is Al-Beruni’s Kitab-al-Hind wherein he critically examines Indian astronomical and mathematical traditions.
Along with the debates within the Islamic framework, there were several attempts at cross-
cultural fertilization. In late fourteenth century,
Mahendra Suri (an astronomer at the Court of
Firoz Shah Tughlaq and author of Yantraraja)
tried to introduce Arab and Persian astronomy
into the Sanskrit Siddhanta tradition. This flow of astronomical ideas as well as instruments continued
into the seventeenth century, providing the basic
materials for those training in the Ptolemaic system.
In 1337, following the order of Sultan Muhammad
Tughlaq, a compendium of general medicine (Majma’ah-i-Diya’i) was compiled on the basis of
numerous Arabic, Zoroastrian, Persian, Buddhist,
and Hindu works. Later, in 1512, Mian Bhuwah
prepared a manual of medicine (Ma’din al-shifa-i-Sikandar- Shahi) based on the Ayurvedic and Yunani traditions. However, no real synthesis could emerge. The Sanskrit tols and Islamic madrassas continued to practice to their own distinct astronomical and medical system. These schools did influence each other and occasionally came together under an enlightened ruler, only to fall apart.
During the eighteenth century, several Asiatic empires collapsed like the Manchus in China, Moghuls in India, Safavid in Iran, and Ottoman in Turkey, and in their place came tiny, trading and sea faring nations such as, Portugal, Danes, the Dutch, the English, and the French through the sea routes. They represented not only trade but also a new kind of knowledge. The eighteenth century was a very exciting period. New things were in the making that played a role in what we call modernity. It was a colonial modernity though; because, colonialism determined
the different dimensions of this modernity. It had an underlying ‘civilizing mission’. Raja Ram Mohan Roy understood that the English were traders and not philanthropists. Even today international trade is not philanthropy and trade happens on the basis of strength.
At the end of eighteenth century and early nineteenth century, even though there was no freedom, there was freedom of ideas and Ram Mohan Roy represented that
An annotated diagram explaining the phases of the moon from one of Al-Biruniʼs astronomical works (Source Wikiwand)
freedom of ideas. A vedantist, he established Brahma Samaj, espousing the essence of our culture and cultural inheritance. He studied in Patna Madarasa and knew Sanskrit and Farsi. The British later established several institutions. Pre-British India had maktabs, chatuspadis and agrahras but no scientific society. Scientific curiosity was there but its institutionalisation and professionalisation came gradually as part of the colonial baggage. The first such experiment, probably in the whole of Asia, was the establishment of the Asiatic Society in Calcutta in 1784. The scope and objects of its enquiries were: ‘Man and Nature; whatever is performed by the one, or produced by the other’. What could be colonial in such a magnificent objective! The difference however was in practice. Though the criteria for its membership was nothing more than ‘a love of knowledge and zeal for promotion of it’, Indians were not taken as members until 1829, and no Indian made any scientific
Madan Mohan Malaviya
contribution to its journal till the 1880s. But the Society did help us rediscover our past and also our natural resources–like the edicts of Ashoka, many old scripts, geological excavations, fauna studies, our natural resources, etc. There are numerous references by European travellers on what was then available in India, its strength, weaknesses, etc. Very few Indians went to Europe those days. Some Indians like Abu Talem, and Nizamuddin travelled to England and wrote their travelogues.
10 dream2047/august2021