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/ 781-254-7469
Town of Wellesley Municipal Light Plant (WMLP)
Logo Design + Direct Mail + Statement Stuffers / Design + Art Direction
Faster download and upload speeds than any service available.
WellesleyNET gives you a new world of connectivity: consistent, high-speed, fiber-optic internet service that outperforms other services. And at low, business-friendly rates.
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Why wait? Make an
appointment to get wired.
There’s no contract to sign. No connection charge. Just consistently fast, reliable service, low rates, and high customer satisfaction.
It’s time your business switched.
Contact us at
Introducing WellesleyNET
The new internet service powered by WMLP.
Switch today and get your
business wired for success.
Wellesley Municipal Light Plant is thinking outside the lines again, offering Wellesley businesses a considerable upgrade over any internet service available to your business here. For the first time, you can get the speed of fiber optics with the reliability and service your business needs.
Count on WMLP
for reliable service.
WMLP has a proven track record of reliability. As your internet service provider, we’ll be right here for you - with local service from local people.
Local connection =
Better business.
With consistently faster speeds and service you can count on, we’ll keep your employees
and your customers connected like never before. You’ll communicate better, move data faster, and deliver better service.
The new internet service powered by WMLP.
Faster download and upload speeds
than any service available.
Wellesley Municipal Light Plant is thinking outside the lines again, offering Wellesley businesses a new world of
connectivity: consistent, high-speed, fiber-optic internet service that outperforms other services. And at low, business-friendly rates.
Count on WMLP for reliable service.
WMLP has a proven track record of reliability. As your internet service provider, we’ll be right here for you - with local service from local people.
Local connection = Better business.
With consistently faster speeds and service you can count on, we’ll keep your employees and your customers connected like never before. You’ll communicate better, move data faster, and deliver better service.
Why wait? Make an appointment to get wired. There’s no contract to sign. No connection charge.
Just consistently fast, reliable service, low rates, and high customer satisfaction. It’s time your business
Contact us at or 781-235-7600
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12/4/18 1:47 PM
A plug for better business internet service in Wellesley.
12/4/18 1:54 PM
Switch to WellesleyNet.
The new internet service powered by WMLP.
Faster download and upload speeds than
any service available. Wellesley Municipal Light Plant
is thinking outside the lines again, offering Wellesley businesses a new world of connectivity: consistent, high-speed, fiber-optic internet service
Local connection = Better business. With consistently faster speeds
that outperforms other services. And at low, business-friendly rates. Count on WMLP
for reliable service.
and service you can count on, we’ll keep your employees and your customers connected like never before. You’ll communicate better, move data faster, and deliver better service.
A plug for better business internet service in Wellesley.
WMLP has a proven track record of reliability. As your
internet service provider,
we’ll be right here for
Why wait? Make an appointment to get wired. There’s no contract to sign. No connection charge. Just consistently fast, reliable service, low rates, and high customer satisfaction.
you - with local service from local people.
It’s time your business switched.
Call us at 781-235-7600
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Wire your business into a new world of speed.
And reliability.
A plug for Wellesley.
12/4/18 1:54 PM

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