Page 3 - The Outdoor Showman April - June 2022
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 VSG President’s Page VSG
President’s Report
PO Box 36
Ascot Vale Victoria Australia 3032
Telephone: (03) 9376 8544
Fax: (03) 9376 0505
Shop 1. 157 Mt Alexander Road Flemington VIC 3031
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9.00am - 4.00pm
Office Bearers 2022 PRESIDENT
Elwin Leroy Bell JNR
John Roberts Adam Reardon Emile Verfurth III Stewart Watkins Bob Brown JNR Les Chant JNR Broderick Pavier Jamie Pickett Travis Taylor Brady Phillips Annette Calder
Charlie Miller (Bris) James Quay
Paul Davis
Andrew Quay Michael Miller
Kyle Quay
Josh Allan-Reardon Hugh Trevor
Eileen McClure
Terrence Moon
Marjorie Chant
Justine Sinclair
 A big hello to all,
I am happy to report that we had a very successful Canberra Show. A big thanks to Jeff Kennock for all his hard work and effort getting the show up and running, just as we were coming out of Covid.
Despite all the bad weather, wet shows, flooding and even some cancelled Shows in NSW, the Sydney Show was a big success and people came out in droves.
The new ticketing system at the Royal Easter Show was a challenge to start off with, but all good in the end.
Hawkesbury Show was also very good, actually all Shows have
stood up which is great to report. We hope this success and support continues and follows through the entire Show run.
Public Liability Insurance is still a big concern. There seems to be piles of paperwork to complete to get across the line. We still have a few members having trouble obtaining insurance policies, even when getting through the never-ending pile of paperwork.
If you’re able to secure a policy, you then have to contend with the increased premium and cost to your business. Challenging times.......
We are heading to the Northern runs from here, and the price of diesel and distance between stops is looking very daunting, with no signs of improving soon. Another increase in costs to all Showmen.
On a positive note, the Supporting Showmen and Women (SASW) - Showground Rental Relief program was officially launched in early May and the administration of the program is now well under way through the Victorian Showmens Guild. Thank you to Marjorie Chant, Eileen McClure and Justine Sinclair who are working tirelessly to deliver the
SASW Program for all Showmen and women.
The SASW Program - Showground Rental Relief commenced on 1 June 2022. Eligible showmen and women’s will have their rental and approved expenses meet at eligible Ag Shows throughout Australia, until 30 June 2023. There are strict criteria we all must satisfy to be eligible, so please ensure you have an ABN and understand the eligibility criteria. All the information is now on the Victorian Showmen’s Guild website. under SASW Rental Relief Program.
We will be relying on our Delegates to assist the Guild and Association by completing SASW Form 1 at eligible Shows for the defined amusement area. We may all need to support Ag Show Societies through the process, as this program is new for all of us, and we will need to support each other to complete the necessary paperwork.
Financial Victorian Showmen’s Guild members should have now received their 2021 and 2022 Guild membership refunds. We hope this has been some assisted you all.
If you are a member of another Guild and/or Association you may also be eligible for a refund, as this was federal support for members across Australia.
We’ve been working with NHVR and hoping to be a little closer to obtaining the National Notice. This is a lengthy process but hopefully some good news and final approval in the coming months for the heavy vehicle operators.
The 2022 VSG Election process is due to commence in June. Please refer to page 3 for the VSG Election timetable. The Australian Electoral Commission will be in contact with all eligible members in the coming days, with Nominations due to open on 20 June 2022.
Safe travels and all the very best for the Shows ahead!
Elwin Bell Jnr. President

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