Page 11 - The Outdoor Showman January - March 2022
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 Teddy Bear’s Picnic
Sunday April 17, 10am – 12pm, Fosterville Gold Mine Main Stage
The Teddy Bear’s Picnic was first held
in the 1980s, and will return to Rosalind Park this uear with our old friend Humphry B. Bear! Bring along your favourite teddy and try your luck in the competitions. Sponsored by Dragon
City Marshalls.
150 Years up in Lights
Friday April 15 – Monday April
18, from 7pm, The Conservatory,
Easter Fair Way (Bridge Street)
Journey back through 150 years of
the Bendigo Easter Fair. Stories and highlights wil be recounted through lighting projection and sound on
the Conservatory building.
Bendigo’s Passion Play: Way of the Cross Friday April 15, 7pm,
Steps of The Capital Theatre, View St
The Bendigo Easter Fait Society and
the Christian churches of Bendigo present a live, outdoor theatrical presentation of the last supper, arrest, trial, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This event was traditional performed on Good Friday evening
and was last performed 22 years ago. Cavalcade of Transport
Sunday April 17, 1pm – 3pm, Pall Mall
A celebration of transport through the years, this static vehicle display will including vintage trucks, trams, cars,
a horse carriage, fire trucks and more. Held in conjunction with the
Veteran, Vintage and Classic Car Club of Bendigo and other local Bendigo car clubs.
Important changes for the 150th Bendigo Easter Fair
To recognise the significance of the 150th anniversary, it is only fitting
that the celebrations be extended to
a one-off four day program in 2022. There are some important changes to the days and times of your favourite events due to these celebrations;
here is what you need to know: Bendigo Advertiser Gala Parade is moving to Monday April 18 at 12.30pm
Sherridon Homes Torchlight Procession will now be on Sunday
April 17 at 7pm. Awakening of the Dragon will be on Sunday April 17 at 2pm.
Rotary markets will be changed to
Friday April 15 and Monday April 18, from 9am – 4pm.
Rosalind Park will still be full of entertainment and activities for the whole family to enjoy from 10am – 5pm, from Friday through to Monday.

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