Page 8 - The Outdoor Showman January - March 2022
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Natimuk Secretary’s Reflections on Generations of Show Time Involvement Memories of growing up
 My grandfather would always turn up at show time with a suitcase full of goodies for his grandchildren. It was like Christmas at Show time. Boxes of white knights and red skin lollies. I remember getting a beautiful prosocline doll one year.
On reflection it was possibly his annual holidays from working in the Port Kemba Steel works. Where he worked when retuning from World War II. As that
was where his family had settled while he was away at war. I understood his ancestors arrived in Australia via New Zealand by a boat that transported Circus people. So, there was a strong connection with circus Showmen.
We always got new clothes for Show day. This was special as mum made most of our clothes. One particular dress I just loved. It was a pale blue with lace top with a sunray pleated hipster skirt. I remember my Mum giving it away when I had outgrown it, something I was not happy about. Show day was always special as it often fell on Mums birthday.
Dad was born in Hay and returned
to work on a sheep station. He was a renown horseman and always assisted in the Arena on Show day at Hay.
He was awarded a Life Membership for his contribution. Mum taught us
all to cook and sew and of course
we had pet dogs to show off.
I won a scone baking competition in an electric oven at the Show and my little brother got his photo in the local paper removing his batch from the electric display oven. This was an achievement as we had a wood stove at home. A far cry from the microwave and induction stove I have today. Another memory was winning first prize in the art section with my drawing of a platypus.
I was asked if I would be Secretary of Natimuk Show by Keith Mackley. Coming from a devoted Show family from Hay
in NSW of course I did not say no. My father’s advice was it will take three years to fully understanding all facets of Showing. 20 years on I am still learning.
The Natimuk Show Office was in the Arapiles Shire Office leading up to
Show day and people placed their entries and paid their membership.
We would pack up the office and move to the Showground the night before
the Show. A khaki tent borrowed from the Horsham Rowing Club was used as the Office before Marlene McCredden suggested to the committee, we needed a permanent show office. Many options were explored before settling on a two-room self-contained portable container from the then Wimmera Container Line at a cost of $45,000.
The much-needed funds were raised from selling an 18th month nude calendar depicting each section of the Show 2009- 2010
The Natimuk calendar a fund-raising project always put a smile on the face of Max Laurie’s past president of the Victorian Showmen’s Guild. He would mention it whenever
we met at the annual Victorian Agricultural Show Convention.
A proud and humble moment was being awarded a Life Membership of the Natimuk Agricultural
and Pastoral Society.
I encourage anyone interested in assisting with the Natimuk Show Society, to do so as it is rewarding
The Natimuk Society is always looking for volunteers, particularly this year as there are many tasks to do. If you are available to help, call 0429 328 600.
Anyone planning to attend the 130th Show and combined 150th Back to Natimuk Celebrations Saturday 26th March 2022 are encouraged to contact the Show office and get their gate ticket early. There will be an Early Bird ticket draw for people who purchase a ticket prior to the show. The prize is valued between $600 to $900. The Natimuk Show Office will open on the 1st March.
Judith Bysouth Secretary Natimuk A & P Society
From Top: The McGrath family at the Hay show 1962. I am the one in the middle in my little blue dress that I just love, Brother Roger participating in Scone competition in demonstration oven at the Hay Show early nineteen seventies, My Dad Less McGrath.

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