Page 15 - The Outdoor Showman January - March 2025
P. 15
The Showmen’s
Guild of South Australia
Reg Established 1939
18 Norama Street
Tapperoo SA 5017
Mobile: 0418 819 994
A big hello to all showmen,
show societies and
friends of our industry,
Office Bearers 2025
Daryl Girdler
Phillip Hamilton
Colleen Leighton
Megan Furnell
Tamara Allen
Matt Hamilton
Brad Girdler
Alex Hamilton
Garry Lynch
Wayne Lynch
Michael Leighton
Colin Leighton
Heather Lynch
Clayton Smans
Harley Smans
Scott Lloyd
Robert Perry
Ivan Venning
Brent Leighton
Pauline Allen
Lazarus P Christou
Alan Lynch
Bianca Cousins
The spring show run ended on a high as the last
few shows were well attended by patrons down
the southeast part of our state, and we held
some good talks with the show societies to keep
up our great relationships with them.
Mt Gambier was well attended with a good
contingent of our eastern state fellow showmen and crowd numbers were
up enjoying good weather for a change.
The summer carnivals are now done and dusted, although there wasn’t
much dust in amongst the torrential downpours we endured throughout
the eastern and southern states of our great land. The east coast lows
somehow included South Australia as they made their way south.
One of our major cities has been conned ,along with our state government
by an entrepreneur with little or no scruples, in that his company was given
the keys to the city and control of the steelworks on the back of empty
promises of delivering a great economy for the citizens and SA alike, only
to turn out to be the conman he is. After racking up bills in the town and
receiving millions of dollars in assistance, has now fled the country- awful
state of affairs for Whyalla SA, and will definitely affect the show for years
to come.
In closing I wish everyone safe prosperous trading,
Best regards,
Daryl. C. Girdler
Salesh and Daryl Pauline and Maxwell Bob and Dulcie