Page 9 - The Outdoor Showman April - June 2021
P. 9
The Hon.
Minister T h e H o n .E m
M i n D i es pt e u r t The Hon. David Littleproud MP E m
Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management
Deputy Leader of the Nationals
Friday 21st May 2021
$4.3 msil
Friday 21st May 2021
Friday 21st May 2021 $ 4 . 3 m i l
Budgetconfirms Auss showmen and women
$4.3 million to support agricultural
shows and the people
BudgetconfirmsAustralianGoverRBnmeneut’sndcontgtinuredestuplpcioretofofrangbricfuloitureomsst fAourst shows and the people who make them possible
shows and the people Rent relief boost for travelling agricultural showmen and women
Rent relief boost for t thatagriculturalshowmen and
The Australian Governmenth
The Australian Government has committed $4.3 million in the 2021-22 Budget to ensure
shows across Australia.
The Australian Governmenth that agricultural showmen and women can continue to provide their services at agricultural
shows across Australiat. h a t a g r i c u l t u r a l s h o w m e n a n d
Minister for Agriculture, Droug shows across Australia.
Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management David Littleproud said the Supporting Agricultural Show
of Australia’s agricultural show
Minister for Agriculture, Droug of Australia’s agricultural shows as the show circuit recommences.
Supporting Agricultural Showmen and Women Program would be integral to the success
Supporting Agricultural Show
“Agricultural shows attr“oibAutfe ugpAtor7u5icpesructenrlt toafuthleirirataicke’ltsaslesahto tghoe arwttriactsiouns talhattuttraiblustheouw
travelling show businesses provide,” Minister Littleproud said.
travelling show businesses pr
“Agricultural shows attribute u “They provide the services that get kids excited about our shows and get families coming
“They provide the services tha travelling show businesses pr
through the gates, including amusement rides and showbag stalls.
through the gates, including a
“That is why we are inv“esTtinghin oeur tryavellipng argroiculvturail dshowementanhd weomens, preimarilyv i c e s t h a
through rent relief at agricultural shows, so that they can continue to offer their
“That is why we are investing
through the gates, including a
entertainment and services.
through rent relief at agricultur
entertainm ent and services.
“That is why we are investing “This will enable them to get back on the road and support more shows across Australia in
thefuture.” through rent relief at agricultur
“This will enable them to get b entertainm ent and services.
President of the Victorian Showmen’s Guild Elwin Bell welcomed the announcement on the future.”
behalf of Australian travelling showmen and women.
“This will enable them to get b
President of the Victorian Sho
the future.”
“This Australian Government support will assist thousands of travelling showmen and
behalf of Australian travelling women get back to work supporting Australian agricultural shows, particularly regional and
remote country shows, recognising the integral role the shows have played in bringing President of the Victorian Sho
“This Australian Government
behalf of Australian travelling
women get back to work supp “Like so many show societies and Aussie farmers, our members have suffered throughout
remote country shows,recogn
“This Australian Government this pandemic, off the back of years of drought, unthinkable bushfires, and more recent
such com m unities together fo flooding. w om en get back to w ork supp
remote country shows,recogn
“Like so m any show societies “WewouldliketothanksthueMicnisther,DacvidoLittlmeproumd,anduBillnShoirteineforstheirbtipoartigsanether fo
championing of the neetdhs ofitrsavellipng sahownmedn aned wmomeni.”c , o f f t h e b a c k o f
flo o d in g .
“Like so m any show societies
this pandem ic, off the back of flo o d in g
This support will also help to ease the cost of Showmen’s Guild fees for 2021.
Page 2
There are around 580 agricultural shows nationwide that contribute $1 billion Collectively the Guilds and Associations are working with the Department of Agriculture
to theonecthoenopmeyr,aatitotrnacltd6etmailltionrovllisoiutotrtshiasnedxcairteinsgesruvpicpeodrtbpyaackroaugen.d 50,000
Further announcement and information with be shared with Members in the coming weeks.
The cancellation of the majority of agricultural shows in 2020 due to COVID 19 had an unprecedented impact on showmen and women, depriving most of
THE OUTDOOR SHOWMAN 7 Travelling showmen and women spend around $82 million in regional and
them of their primary source of income.
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