Page 3 - The Outdoor Showman October - December 2022
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 VSG President’s Page
 VSG President’s Report
 Hello to all our members,
subscribers and industry friends,
2022, and the roller coaster continues! .... We’re slowly creeping out of the global pandemic and La Niña escalates! Wild weather and flooding events we haven’t experienced in many decades.
From most reports, showmen were busy heading into Melbourne for the Melbourne Royal, or across to WA for the Perth Royal Show; then back into regional Victoria.
From my experience, every Show has been wet! We were lucky to get through Wangaratta, Shepparton and then Seymour Shows before the flooding hit! ....
With severe wet weather and flooding many Victorian Ag Shows were either cancelled or postponed including Kerang, Charlton, Bendigo, Echuca, Kyabram, Rutherglen, Cobram, Benalla, and many others in that region, and through into New South Wales.
Sadly for many Show Societies this would be the 3rd year in a row. Our thoughts are with you and your communities.
Although we’ve experienced some continued challenges, there have also been some amazing comebacks! For most of 2022 we’ve seen a strong return of Australian Agricultural Shows, with big crowds excited to be back at their Show, and great community support.
The Victorian State Government initiative ‘Kids Go Free’ has been really well received. This support has assisted families bring their children out for a Show day full of fun! I believe it has been so successful that some show societies will continue with this model well into the future.
Over the past 9 months, the VSG has been rolling out the SASW Showground rental relief program. This support from the Australian Government has made a real impact on Showmen. The rental relief has supported many get back on the road, literally! With the cost of living, fuel and insurance it would have been very difficult for Showmen to get across the states and territory to support Ag Shows. This program has allowed many Showmen to continue......
We’ve been very lucky to have the rent relief; however, the program concludes at the end of the financial year, 30th of June 2023.
I’d like to thank all Australian Showmen’s Guilds and Associations, the Ag Show Societies, State and Territory peak bodies, and all involved with the SASW program. I understand
the extra administration work that is involved; as we have also taken on more responsibility as delegates. Without the collective team work, none of this would be possible.
A big thank you to Marjorie Chant, Eileen McClure, Justine Sinclair and Melanie McClure! There has been a significant increase in workload, not just the SASW showground rental relief, but annual guild member refunds earlier in the year, and continued focus of all important Guild member matters.
We are still working with NHVR on the special purpose amusement gazette, and hope for an update on this matter early next year.
The Victorian Showmen’s Annual General Meeting of Members was held last Tuesday, 29th of November 2022. I am delighted to be elected your President once again, along with Secretary Eileen McClure, Treasurer Terry Moon and Trustee Marjorie Chant.
I would like to warmly welcome our new Members, Toni Chuhaj, Paul Davis, Mason Davis, Kyle Marshall, Gene McDonald, Ashton Roberts, Nikita McDonald, Michael Verfurth, Shakyi Rogers-Roberts (Verfurth), Shania Watkins and Tiffany Zacchini.
Lee Little and Michael Wittingslow were awarded 50 year membership and Laura Ribbons, Steven Karaitiana, Robert Peters, and Richard Evans became Honorary Members. Congratulations to all!
The industry has lost many people this year and recently George Pink, Patricia Roberts and Scott Reardon. My deepest condolences to their families and friend, they will be sadly missed.
As we head into the Christmas Carnival season I would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year!
Elwin Bell Jnr. President
 PO Box 36
Ascot Vale Victoria Australia 3032
Telephone: (03) 9376 8544 Email:
Shop 1. 157 Mt Alexander Road Flemington VIC 3031
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9.00am - 4.00pm
Office Bearers 2022/2023 PRESIDENT
Elwin Leroy Bell
Emile Verfurth III Stewart Watkins Travis Taylor Bob Brown Jnr. Brady Phillips
John Roberts Aaron Pink Clayton Taylor Josh Allan-Reardon Charlie Miller (Bris)
Jamie Pickett Andrew Quay
Adam Reardon Annette Calder
Les Chippa Chant Broderick Pavier James Hudson-Quay Michael Miller
Kyle Quay
Eileen McClure
Terrence Moon
Marjorie Chant
Justine Sinclair

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