Page 6 - The Outdoor Showman October - December 2022
P. 6
9 November 2022
Post-election report
9 November 2022
Post-election report
The Victorian Showmen's Guild
Scheduled election
The Victorian Showmen's Guild E2022/33
Scheduled election
Victorian Showmen’s Guild Members please contact the office should you wish to receive a full copy
VEic2to0r2ia2n /S3h3owmen's Guild Members please contact the office should
of the Post Election Report.
you wish to receive a full copy of the Post Election Report. I refer to the above election for your organisation.
VPictooriansShto-wmenl'seGucild Mteimobenrs plerase copntaoct thretoffice should
Section 197(1) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 (“the Act”) requires the AEC to provide a
written report on the conduct of the election to the Fair Work Commission and to the organisation or branch
you wish to receive a full copy of the Post Election Report. for whom the election was conducted. A copy of the report in relation to this election is attached.
Section 198 of the Act requires that if an organisation or branch is given a Post Election Report under Section
97 that
days, give a written response to the AEC on that aspect of the report. The response must specify whether the organisation or branch intends to take any action in relation to the rule, and if so, what action it intends to take.
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apply, th
Post-election report
The Victorian Showmen's Guild
Scheduled election
ret or
If the attached report identifies a rule that was difficult to interpret or apply, you should forward your
response to the AEC by email to ‘’ within thirty days of the date of the report.
Section198 and the regulations also require an organisation to make the Post Election Report and the
ThEe2V02ic2t/o3r3ian Showmen's Guild
organisation’s response to the report (if applicable) available to members.
Further, Regulation 141(4) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Regulations 2009 requires an
Scheduled election
organisation or branch to publish a notice on its website advising members that a copy of the Post Election
Report is available upon request. If a website is not available, publishing a notice in a journal or newsletter
Victorian Showmen's Guild Members please contact the office should
you wish to receive a full copy of the Post Election Report.
would be considered appropriate.
Election(s) Covered in this Report
or bra
must, within 30
Organisation: The Victorian Showmen’s Guild Election: Scheduled VicEtleoctriioannDeScishioonwNom/s:eE2n0'2s2/G33uild Members please contact the office should
youRuwleish to receive a full copy of the Post Election Report. Rules used for the election: [206V: Incorporates alterations of 12/11/2020] [R2020/176] (replaces
16/04/2018 version)
Rules difficult to apply/interpret: No Model Rule reference (if any): N/ A
For more details see the Model Rules on the AEC website: Other Matters
Returning Officer actions required (Section 193): Yes Details:
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· AsthereisnorulepertainingtothewithdrawalofNomination,theReturningOfficerapplieds193(1) (b)(ii) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 to fix a closing time for the withdrawal of nominations, which was set for the close of nominations.
· RulesregardingthetimetableoftheelectionweresetasideastheAECheldconcernsthatthe coronavirus pandemic may impact on the ability for stakeholders to fully participate in the election. A timetable for the conduct of the ballot which varied from the rules was set when the AEC was satisfied that stakeholders would be able to fully participate.
Cameron Caccamo Returning Officer
Australian Electoral Commission E:
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