Page 2 - The Outdoor Showman July-September 2022
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VSG President’s Page VSG
President’s Report
PO Box 36
Ascot Vale Victoria Australia 3032
Telephone: (03) 9376 8544
Fax: (03) 9376 0505
Shop 1. 157 Mt Alexander Road Flemington VIC 3031
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9.00am - 4.00pm
Office Bearers 2022 PRESIDENT
Elwin Leroy Bell JNR
John Roberts Adam Reardon Emile Verfurth III Stewart Watkins Bob Brown JNR Les Chant JNR Broderick Pavier Jamie Pickett Travis Taylor Brady Phillips Annette Calder
Charlie Miller (Bris) James Quay
Paul Davis
Andrew Quay Michael Miller
Kyle Quay
Josh Allan-Reardon Hugh Trevor
Eileen McClure
Terrence Moon
Marjorie Chant
Justine Sinclair
Hello to all our members,
subscribers and industry friends,
Spring has arrived and we are looking forward to the Royal Adelaide Show and Melbourne Royal and all the Ag Shows either side of the capitals.
It was great to see the EKKA go ahead successfully with Show-goers enjoying the Royal Queensland Show after two years of cancellations due to the pandemic.
It’s encouraging to report that from Dubbo Show onwards; all the way through the north and Northern Territory run, the support for Ag Shows have been good.
I’m receiving positive reports from Showmen across the country stating that the Shows are generally recovering well, with strong community support despite many challenges with weather and flooding in some regions.
It’s been a long time coming....but this trend gives me hope for the Victorian we get excited to get back to the Victorian Ag Shows and help them bounce back bigger than ever.
“Kids go free” is a great initiative that will support Victorian Ag Shows and many Showmen and women. Kids will be able to go to the Melbourne Royal Show for free this year with the Victorian government investing $3.5 million to support free entry for kids. The funding will be provided directly to Agricultural and Pastoral Societies hosting Show’s this year to defray the cost of free entry for kids under the age of 14, at more than 100 rural and regional shows across Victoria.
The ongoing support for our industry is fantastic and much needed, as the cost of living, diesel, fruit and veggies, wages and insurance premiums is putting a huge strain on many businesses and families.
I, like many members are grateful to be able to attend Ag Shows with the support of the SASW Showground rental relief program. Without it, I think we’d see many Showmen and women struggling with the cost of living and the increased cost to travel to Shows; let alone find the funds to pay rental and other operating expenses along the way.
The VSG is still waiting on updates regarding the NHVR and National Notice. This has been over two years of work and probably no outcome until later in the year. So, please continue to speak to our dedicated team at NHVR
for assistance with permits and traveling throughout Australia.
I’ll take this opportunity to remind members that the Victorian Showmen’s Guild Elections are in full swing and if you wish to nominate for the
2022 Committee of Management please ensure your nominations are lodged prior to 12 noon on the 9th of September 2022.
Also, after 2 years online, the VSG will hold their 2022 General Meeting in Shepparton, at the Shepparton Showground on Thursday 6th of October at 1.00pm.
I look forward to seeing you there!
All the very best for the spring season and safe travels!
Elwin Bell Jnr. President