Page 25 - The Outdoor Showman January-March 2021
P. 25

only a proportion of the audiences it’s used to. So they’re doing more shows (three each on Saturdays and Sundays, two each some weekdays).
As they say wryly, “We’re tired, but happy.” Like anyone else in the business who’s back performing.
Brisbane’s Circa, with director
Yaron Lifschitz, showed at Sydney’s Carriageworks in January for the Sydney Festival. Production was called ‘Humans 2.0.’
Ten performers included aerial ropes, solo trapeze, hand-balancers and people towers, in a 65- minute show, backed up by innovative lighting, music and sound changes.
The Australian said “It falls between pure circus entertainment and ideas- driven theatre.”
Circa also presented ‘Sacre’, set
to Stravinsky’s ‘Rite of Spring’, in Wollongong late in January.
In February, it presents ‘Peepshow’ circus and cabaret at Sydney Opera House, and then Sean the Sheep’s Circus Show with animated characters, in March in Brisbane.
Brisbane’s Courier-Mail in January carried just a few pars about the 1945 train-and-elephant truck
crash at Mt Larcom, 22 miles north of Gladstone.
It said Stafford Bullen was driving the truck over the level crossing, when the Brisbane-Townsville mail crashed into it.
A circus elephant rescued a man trapped in the truck.
He was rushed to Tamworth Rural Referral Hospital, where he later died. A coroner’s report is being prepared.
The Australian Bushmen’s Campdraft and Rodeo Association described
Mr Green as ‘a great bloke, a rough diamond.’
Adelaide Zoo
A paranormal Investigating team is leading enquiries into eerie weeknight happenings pat Adelaide Zoo.
It regularly opens for overnight zoo experiences. Guide Kag Allwood says they’ve taken steps to see the animals aren’t disturbed.
But there were sightings of a ghost at the original Director’s home, Minchin House, built in 1887.
Haunted Horizons’ Alison Oborn said a woman with a long dress and long sleeves, hair pulled back, had made appearances.
So has the spirit of a former polar bear keeper, close to where he was killed, in a big U-shaped tunnel in the nocturnal house.
Congratulations to the Award Winners
Congratulations to the two winners of lifetime achievement awards at the (virtual) industry Awards in February.
 Lennon’s at Southport Rodeo
Yardman Bruce Green, 62, from Grafton, suffered a freak accident at the Tamworth Rodeo Roundup, at 9pm, Saturday, 23rd January.
A bull charged him, badly injuring him.

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