Page 1 - Memo re Revised Rx Drug Costs
P. 1

April 10, 2020


               Based on your revised medication list, the WellCare Value Script PDP is now the lowest-cost
               stand-alone drug plan for the drugs that you take. Its estimated costs for the last seven months
               of this year are $1,294.14 if you continue to get mail-order refills and $1,208.73 if you get
               monthly refills at a CVS pharmacy. Those costs include premiums, the plan deductible, and co-
               payments. With mail-order, you will still have a two-month supply of your medications on hand
               at year end, assuming you order all your drugs on June 1.

               In this plan you won’t reach the coverage gap this year. Because of legislative changes during
               the last several years, costs in the coverage gap are rarely an issue any longer (someday they’ll
               change the terminology since there’s no longer much of a gap). As you can see in Appendix A3,
               your co-pays for your drugs would go down by more than $30 a month in the coverage gap if
               you got monthly refills at CVS and your quarterly co-pays would increase by only $7 if you got
               mail-order refills.

               In the appendices I’ve tried to indicate the places where your actual costs will be different than
               those shown in the printouts. Medicare’s Plan Finder assumes you will begin your coverage on
               May 1, and so I adjusted your costs to reflect your June 1 enrollment. Also, Plan Finder does not
               have the capability of calculating costs for drugs that are refilled every six months, and so I
               chose the 3-month interval (the maximum) and then reduced the number of quarterly co-
               payments to mirror the six-month refill cycle for azelaic acid and ketoconazole.

               Because you’d asked about a stand-alone prescription drug, I focused on that. If you want to
               see revised drug costs for Advantage plans, let me know.  To enroll in the WellCare Value Script
               PDP, call (866) 859-9084.


                                                   David Armes, CFP®


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