Page 1 - Memo to Scott Sargeant
P. 1
December 7, 2018
TO: Scott Sargeant
As explained below, Pat can save quite a bit of money next year if she is willing to change her
Part D stand-alone plan and she is also willing to get her monthly refills at a CVS Pharmacy.
There are two CVS Pharmacies within a mile or so of Leisure World.
As I recall, Pat said that she currently gets her refills at the Leisure World Pharmacy, and if
that’s the case, she’s paying several hundred dollars a year more than she needs to. The reason
is that the Leisure World Pharmacy is not a preferred pharmacy in any of the lowest-cost Part D
plans, unlike CVS Pharmacy.
The lowest-cost plan for her drugs in 2019 is the Journey Rx Value Plan, whose annual
estimated costs next year are $286 – that includes the plan’s monthly premium of $20.80 and
the co-payments for her drugs, including co-payments before she has satisfied the plan’s
You can see the 2019 cost comparisons of her current plan and the Journey Rx Value Plan in
Appendix A2. If she remains in her current plan and gets her refills at the Leisure World
Pharmacy, she will pay an estimated $1,683 next year.
As you know, today is the final day she can switch Part D stand-alone plans for the 2019 plan
year. If she decides to enroll in the Journey Rx Value Plan, she can do so by calling the plan’s
toll-free number at (888) 575-7530. This number is also shown in Appendix A2. She does not
need to dis-enroll from her current plan because Medicare will do that for her, effective
December 31, when it is notified that she has enrolled in a different plan.
The Leisure World Pharmacy is in the networks of her current plan and the Journey Rx Value
Plan, and so her prescriptions should be able to be transferred to her new plan without her
having to ask her doctor for new prescriptions. If that’s not the case, then she will need to him
her doctor for new prescriptions. Check with the Journey plan to find out their procedures.
Pat’s Rx Drugs and Dosages
Appendix A1 shows the drugs and dosages that were used by the Medicare Plan Finder to
estimate her 2019 costs. I was unable to find exact matches for some of the dosages and drugs,
as noted in Appendix A1. But because all her drugs are inexpensive, the costs should be roughly